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CSTRiTokenize Method
Tokenize a string based on any characters.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.0
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
This uses a finite state machine to tokenize on these rules: 1. Any one character following an escape delimiter is treated as a normal character. 2. Any characters inside a quote string are treated as normal characters. 3. Any number of Soft delimiters in sequence without a hard delimiter are treated as one hard delimited. 4. Any number of soft delimiters can preceed or follow a hard delimiter and are ignored. EXAMPLE Soft = [ ] Hard = [,] Escape = [\] Quote = ["] [this is a , , the "test," of , \,\" my delimite fi,] Results in: [this] [is] [a] [] [the] ["test,"] [of] [\,\"] [my] [delimite] [fi] [] NOT use this function except in GXC code. The corresponding etToken_STR function will not operate correctly in GX.Net code.
public static int iTokenize(
	ref string str1,
	string str2,
	string str3,
	string str4,
	string str5


Type: SystemString
str - String containing token(s)
Type: SystemString
szSoft - Soft delimiters (spaces/tabs)
Type: SystemString
szHard - Hard delimiters (commas)
Type: SystemString
szEsc - Escape delimiters (back-slash)
Type: SystemString
szQuote- Quote delimiters (quote characters)

Return Value

Type: Int32
number of tokens
See Also