geosoft.gxpy.surface submodule

Geosoft surfaces


Geosoft_surface dataset, contains zero or more Surface instances


Surfaces defined by one or more geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instances
















Regression tests provide usage examples: Tests

class Surface(surface, surface_type='none', surface_dataset=None, mesh=None, coordinate_system=None, render_properties=None)[source]

Bases: geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.SpatialData,

A single surface, which contains one or more geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instances.

  • surface – surface name or a geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM instance.

  • surface_type – surface type as a descriptive name, such as “ISOSURFACE”

  • surface_dataset – optional SurfaceDataset instance in which to place a new Surface

  • mesh – optional geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instance, or tuple (faces, verticies).

  • coordinate_system – mesh coordinate system, which will become the surface coordinate system.

  • render_properties – (color, opacity, style), default is (, 1.0, STYLE_FLAT)

Iterating yields component geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instances.

New in version 9.3.1.

__init__(surface, surface_type='none', surface_dataset=None, mesh=None, coordinate_system=None, render_properties=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

add_mesh(mesh, render_properties=None, coordinate_system=None)[source]

Add a vv mesh to a new surface.

  • mesh – mesh as ((f1vv, f2vv, f3vv), (xvv, yvv, zvv))

  • render_properties – (color, opacity, style), where colour is a instance or a 32-bit Geosoft color integer, opacity is a value between 0. (invisible) and 1. (opaque), and style is STYLE_FLAT, STYLE_SMOOTH or STYLE_EDGE.

  • coordinate_system – coordinate system for the verticies, default is the same as the surface


component number, which will always be the last component.

New in version 9.3.

property component_count

number of components to this surface, usually 1


Surface properties, see: geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.compute_extended_info.


refresh – if True, computed properties will be refreshed on next access.


dictionary of properties, ‘components’, ‘verticies’, edges’, ‘triangles’, ‘inconsistent’, ‘invalid’, ‘intersect’

New in version 9.3.1.

property extent

Return the surface extent as a geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2 instance.

New in version 9.3.1.

property faces_count

number of triangular faces

property guid

The GUID of this surface

property gxsurfaceitem

the geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM instance


Returns a component mesh as geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instance


component – component number from a multi-component surface


(triangle_index_1, triangle_index_2, triangle_index_3), (vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z) as geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv instances

New in version 9.3.1.

property metadata

Return the parent surface dataset metadata as a dictionary.

property name

the name of this surface


Surface properties from geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_properties_ex.


refresh – if True, computed properties will be refreshed on next access.

New in version 9.3.1.

property render_color

rendering colour as a instance

property render_opacity

group opacity, 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)

property render_properties

The rendering properties for this surface as (color, opacity, style). Can be set.

property render_style

surface rendering style, one of STYLE constants

property source_dataset

the source dataset from which this surface was derived

property source_measure

the source measure

property surface_type

the defined surface type string

property unit_of_measure

the unit of measure for data defined by this surface, often the isosurface value

property verticies_count

number of verticies

class SurfaceDataset(name, file_name=None, gxsurface=None, mode=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Bases: geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.SpatialData,

Surface dataset, which contains one or more Surface instances.

A Surface dataset is stored in a .geosoft_surface file.

Iterating yields Surface instances.



open an existing surface dataset


create a new surface dataset


isosurfaces created from a vox.

New in version 9.3.1.

__init__(name, file_name=None, gxsurface=None, mode=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Add a surface to the surface dataset. One can only add surfaces to new datasets.


surfaceSurface instance to add

New in version 9.3.1.


Add the surfaces from an existing surface dataset.


surface_datasetSurfaceDataset instance or a file name

New in version 9.3.1.

figure_map(file_name=None, overwrite=True, title=None, legend_label=None, features='LEGEND', 'NEATLINE', **kwargs)[source]

Create a figure view file from an SurfaceDataset.

  • file_name – the name of a file for the 3d view. If None a temporary 3d view created.

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing file

  • title – Title added to the image

  • legend_label – If plotting a legend make this the legend title. The default is the unit_of_measure.

  • features

    list of features to place on the map, default is (‘LEGEND’, ‘NEATLINE’)


    draw a surface legend


    draw a neat-line around the image

  • kwargs – passed to

New in version 9.3.

property gxsurface

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACE instance handle


returns True if this surface name or guid exists in the surface dataset.

property is_new

True if this is a new surface dataset. Can only add to new datasets.

classmethod new(name=None, temp=False, overwrite=False, coordinate_system=None)[source]

Create a new surface dataset.

  • name – dataset name, or a path to a persistent file. If None a temporary dataset is created.

  • temp – True to create a temporary surface dataset.

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing persistent surface dataset file

  • coordinate_system – coordinate system as required to create from geosoft.gxpy.Coordinate_system

New in version 9.3.1.

classmethod open(name, file_name=None, mode=0, gxapi_surface=None)[source]

Open an existing surface dataset.

  • name – name of the surface dataset.

  • file_name – file name of the surface dataset file, default is name.geosoft_surface.

  • mode – open mode: MODE_READ or MODE_READWRITE

  • gxapi_surfacegeosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACE instance, or None to open the named surface file.

New in version 9.3.1.

property surface_count

number of surfaces in the dataset

property surface_dict

dictionary of surfaces keyed by GUID, values are the surface names


Return the guid of a surface based on the name.


name – Name of the surface. The first matching surface name is returned.


guid of the surface, or None if the surface not found

New in version 9.3.1.

property surface_name_list

list of surface names

view_3d(file_name=None, overwrite=True, plane_2d=False)[source]

Create a 3d view (geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d) that contains this SurfaceDataset.

  • file_name – the name of a file for the 3d view. If None a temporary 3d view created.

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing file

  • plane_2d – True to keep the 2D plane. Only keep it if you intend to draw on it otherwise a grey plane will appear in the view.

New in version 9.3.

classmethod vox_surface(vox, surfaces, name=None, file_name=None, color=None, opacity=None, mode=2, temp=False, overwrite=False)[source]

Add voxel isosurfaces to a surface dataset.

  • voxgeosoft.gxpy.Vox instance

  • surfaces – surface value, or a list of surface values

  • name – Surface dataset name. The default will be

  • file_name – optional file name if different from name root, ignored if temp=True

  • color – surface color, or a list of colors, For a list of surfaces, the default colour of each surface cycles through a list of (C_GREY, C_GREEN, C_YELLOW, C_BLUE, C_MAGENTA, C_RED, C_CYAN). If only one surface the default color is gxgroup.C_GREY.

  • opacity – opacity 0 t0 1. (1. is opaque), or a list of opacities. For a list of surfaces default opacity is applied in increasingly opaque steps in the order of the surface list, such that the 5’th and higher surfaces are opaque.

  • mode – MODE_NEW to create a new surface dataset. MODE_APPEND to append to existing dataset.

  • temp – True to create a temporary surface dataset.

  • overwrite – True to overwrite if dataset exists and MODE_NEW.

New in version 9.3.1.

exception SurfaceException(message)[source]

Bases: geosoft.GXRuntimeError

Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.surface.


Delete all files associated with this surface dataset.


surface_name – name of the surface dataset file

New in version 9.3.1.

render(view, surface, group_name=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Render a surface, surface dataset or surface dataset file in a 3D view.

  • viewgeosoft.view.View_3d instance

  • surfaceSurface instance, SurfaceDataset instance or a geosoft_surface file name.

  • group_name – name for the group, which defaults to the source name

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing group


For a Surface or a SurfaceDataset instance a surface dataset file is created with a name constructed from the view name and the fies name: view_name.group_name.geosoft_surface.

New in version 9.3.1.