geosoft.gxpy.vv submodule

Geosoft vector.



data vector

VA and VV classes are related based on a key called a fiducial, which has a start value and increment between values. The refid() method can be used to resample vector data to the same fiducial so that vector-to-vector operations can be performed.


Regression tests provide usage examples: vv tests

class GXvv(array=None, dtype=None, fid=None, unit_of_measure=None, dim=None, len=0)[source]


VV class wrapper.

  • array – array-like, None to create an empty VV. Can have 2 dimensions for float32 or float64 data, in which case the second dimension can be 2 or 3 to use Geosoft 2D and 3D dimensioned types. This can also be another GXvv instance, in which case a copy of the data is made and the dtype, dim, fid an unit_of_measurement will default to the source instance.

  • dtype – numpy data type. For unicode strings ‘U#’, where # is a string length. If not specified the type is taken from first element in array, of if no array the default is ‘float’.

  • dim – dimension can be 1 (default), 2 (2D) or 3 (3D). Ignored if array is defined as the array dimensions will be used.

  • fid – (start, increment) fiducial

  • unit_of_measure – unit of measure for the contained data.

  • len – length of VV


vv geosoft.gxapi.GXvv instance fid (start, increment) fiducial length number of elements in the VV gxtype GX data type dtype numpy data type dim dimension

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.2: support construction directly from arrays

Changed in version 9.3: added unit_of_measure

Changed in version 9.3.1: added string support in __getitem__, and creates from a source GVvv instance.

Changed in version 9.6: Added length parameter.

__init__(array=None, dtype=None, fid=None, unit_of_measure=None, dim=None, len=0)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property dim

Dimension of elements in the array, 1, 2 or 3.

property dtype

numpy data type

New in version 9.1.

property fid

fid tuple (start,increment), can be set

New in version 9.1.


Fill a vv with a constant value.


value – value to fill

New in version 9.3.1.

get_data(dtype=None, start=0, n=None, float_dummies_to_nan=True)[source]

Return vv data in a numpy array

  • start – index of first value, must be >=0

  • n – number of values wanted

  • dtype – numpy data type wanted


(data, (fid_start, fid_incr))

New in version 9.1.

property gxtype

GX data type

New in version 9.1.

property gxvv

geosoft.gxapi.GXVV instance

property is_float

True if a base float type, 32 or 64-bit

property is_float64

True if a base 64-bit float

New in version 9.3.1.

property is_int

True if a base integer type

property is_string

True if a base string type

property length

number of elements in the VV, can be set

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.3: can be set


Return the content of the VV as a list.

New in version 9.2.


Return the minimum and maximum values as doubles. Strings are converted if possible.


(minimum, maximum), or if all dummy, (None, None)

New in version 9.3.1.

property np

Numpy array of VV data, in the data type of the VV. Use get_data() to get a numpy array in another dtype.

Note that changing the data in the numpy array does NOT change the data in the VV. Use set_data to change data in the VV.

New in version 9.2.

refid(fid, length=None)[source]

Resample VV to a new fiducial and length

  • fid – (start, incr)

  • length – length, if not specified the length is calculated to the end of the data.

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.3.1: added default length calculation

set_data(data, fid=None)[source]

Set vv data from an iterable, which can be another GXvv instance. If the data is float type numpy.nan

are used to indicate dummy values.

param data

data array of GXvv instance, will be reshapped to VV dimension

param fid

fid tuple (start,increment), default does not change current fid

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.3: default fid leaves fid unchanged

Changed in version 9.3.1: now accepts GXvv instance as the source data.

property unit_of_measure

data unit of measurement


maximum bytes per element in VV

exception VVException(message)[source]

Bases: geosoft.GXRuntimeError

Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.vv.

New in version 9.1.

np_from_vvset(vvset, axis=1)[source]

Return a 2d numpy array from a set of GXvv instances.

  • vvset – (vv1, vv2, …) set ot geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv instances

  • axis – axis for the vv, default is 1, such that each vv is a column, axis=0 for vv to be rows


numpy array shaped (max_vv_length, number_of_vv) for axis=1, or (number_of_vv, max_vv_length) for axis=0.

New in version 9.3.1.

vvset_from_np(npd, axis=1)[source]

Return a set of GXvv instances from a 2d numpy array.

  • npd – numpy data array of dimension 2. If the array has higher dimensions it will first be reshaped to a 2-dimension array based on the last axis.

  • axis – axis for the vv, default is 1, such that each columns become vv, axis=0 for rows to be vv


[vv0, vv1, vv2, …] geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv instances for each column or row (axis=0)

For example:

npd = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

returns (vv([1, 4]), vv([2, 5]), vv([3, 6]))

New in version 9.3.1.