geosoft.gxpy.grid submodule

Geosoft grid and image handling, including all supported file formats .


grid dataset


0 open for read, files are not changed


1 open for read and write, files can be changed


2 new grid file, accompanied by overwrite= parameter


Regression tests provide usage examples: Tests

class Grid(file_name=None, in_memory=False, dtype=None, mode=None, kx=1, dim=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Geometry

Grid and image class.



open an existing grid/image


create a new grid/image


create a copy


create a windowed grid based on grid indexes


create a new grid from a 2d data array


create by fitting a minimum-curvature surface to located data.

A grid instance supports iteration that yields (x, y, z, grid_value) by points along rows. For example, the following prints the x, y, z, grid_value of every non-dummy point in a grid:

import geosoft.gxpy.grid as gxgrd

with'some.grd') ad g:
    for x, y, z, v in g:
        if v is not None:
            print(x, y, z, v)

Specific grid cell values can be indexed (null grid values are None):

import geosoft.gxpy.grid as gxgrd

with'some.grd') as g:
    for ix in range(g.nx):
        for iy in range(g.ny):
            x, y, z, v = g[ix, iy]
            if v is not None:
                print(x, y, z, v)

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.2.1: added iterator support

__init__(file_name=None, in_memory=False, dtype=None, mode=None, kx=1, dim=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Close the grid and release all instance resources.


discardTrue to discard associated files on close

Changed in version 9.4: added discard parameter

property coordinate_system

grid coordinate system as a geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system instance.

Can be set from any geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system constructor.

New in version 9.2.

Changed in version 9.3: added ability to set directly

classmethod copy(grd, file_name=None, dtype=None, overwrite=False, in_memory=False, mode=1)[source]

Create a new Grid instance as a copy of an existing grid.

  • grdGrid instance to save as a new grid, or a grid file name

  • file_name – name of the new grid (file with optional decorations). If not specified a temporary file is created.

  • dtype – numpy data type, None to use type of the parent grid

  • overwrite – True to overwrite if the file exists, False to not overwrite.

  • in_memory – True to create a grin in memory.

  • modeopen mode for working with the copy.

New in version 9.2.


Return the CrookedPath instance for a crooked-path grid.

static decorate_name(name, decorations='')[source]

Deprecated since version 9.2: use gxpy.grid.name_parts()

property decoration

grid descriptive decoration

New in version 9.2.


Delete the files associated with this grid when deleting the grid object. Note that files are not deleted until all references to this object are deleted and garbage collection is performed.


delete – set to False to reverse a previous delete request

New in version 9.1.

property dtype

numpy data type for the grid

New in version 9.2.

property dummy_value

Return the grid data dummy value.

property dx

separation between grid points in the grid x direction

New in version 9.2.

property dy

separation between grid points in the grid y direction

New in version 9.2.

property extent

Grid cell extent as geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2.

New in version 9.3.1.


Return the 2D extent of the grid on the grid plane.

Extent is to the outer edge of grid “cells”, which extend half a cell beyond the edge points.

:returns:(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)

New in version 9.2.

Changed in version 9.4: - extent to the cell edges.


Return the 3D extent of the grid in the base coordinate system.


(min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z)

New in version 9.2.


Deprecated since version 9.4: - same as extent_2d()


Deprecated since version 9.4: - same as extent_3d()


Return the 2D extent of the grid point (cell centers) on the grid plane.

:returns:(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)

New in version 9.4.

property file_name

grid file name without decorations

New in version 9.2.

property file_name_decorated

grid file name with decorations

New in version 9.2.

classmethod from_data_array(data, file_name=None, properties=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Create grid from a 2D data array or geosoft.gxapi.GXPG.

  • data – 2D numpy data array, a 2d list, ir a geosoft.gxapi.GXPG.

  • file_name – name of the file, default creates a temporary file name

  • properties – grid properties as a dictionary

  • overwriteTrue to overwrite existing grid.


Grid instance

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.4: - support for default temporary file name and creation from a GXPG.


Generate color map for grid based on statistics and method


methodITR_ZONE constants


A instance.

New in version 9.4.0.


Get default color map for grid


A instance.

New in version 9.4.0.

get_value(x, y)[source]

Return a grid value at a point as a float. For scalar data the point value will be interpolated between neighbors. For color data the nearest value is returned as a color int.

  • x – X location on the grid plane

  • y – Y location on the grid plane


grid value, or None if outside of grid area

property gridtype

grid type (e.g. ‘GRD’, ‘HGD’ etc. ‘MEMORY’ for in-memory grid)

New in version 9.2.

property gximg

The geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG instance handle.


Get a copy of the geosoft.gxapi.GXPG instance for the grid.


copyTrue to return a copy of the grids pager. The default is False, which returns the shared grid pager, such that changes to the pager change the grid and the pager is invalid when thr grid is closed or loses context.

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.4: added copy parameter

property gxtype

Geosoft data type for the grid

New in version 9.2.

image_file(image_file_name=None, image_type='PNG', pix_width=None, shade=False, color_map=None, contour=None, display_area=None, pix_32_bit=False)[source]

Save as a georeferenced image file.

  • image_file_name – image file name. The extension should be consistent with the image_type. If not specified a temporary PNG file is created.

  • image_type – image type, one ot the RASTER_FORMAT constants in

  • pix_width – desired image width in pixels, default is the width of the aggregate base layer

  • shadeTrue to add shading effect

  • instance, or a colour ramp file name, default is grid’s default

  • contour – colour contour interval if colours need to break at exact levels

  • display_areageosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2 instance, which defines the desired display area. The display area coordinate system can be different from the grid.

  • pix_32_bit – make 32-bit image (with 8-bit alpha background)


image file name.

See also

geosoft.gxpy.grid.image_file, which creates an image directly from a grid file.


Unless read-only this method saves the grid as a temporary file from which an aggregate and image are created. If the grid already exists as a grid file it is more efficient to call geosoft.gxpy.grid.image_file.

New in version 9.3.1.

indexWindow(name, x0=0, y0=0, nx=None, ny=None)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.2: gxpy.Grid.index_window()

classmethod index_window(grd, name=None, x0=0, y0=0, nx=None, ny=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Create a windowed instance of a grid.

  • grdGrid instance

  • name – name for the windowed_grid, default is constructed from input grid

  • x0 – integer index of the first X point

  • y0 – integer index of the first Y point

  • nx – number of points in x

  • ny – number of points in y

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing file, default is False

New in version 9.2.

property is_color

returns True if grid contains colors. is_int will also be True

property is_crooked_path

True if this grid follows a crooked path section.

property is_int

returns True if base grid type is integer, which includes color integers


Mask against blank areas in mask grid. Both grids must be same dimension.


mask – reference mask grid, file of Grid instance.

New in version 9.4.

property metadata

Return the grid metadata as a dictionary. Can be set, in which case the dictionary items passed will be added to, or replace existing metadata.

New in version 9.2.

classmethod minimum_curvature(data, unit_of_measure=None, file_name=None, overwrite=False, max_segments=1000, coordinate_system=None, cs='', area='', '', '', '', bclip='', logopt='', logmin='', idsf='', bkd='', srd='', iwt='', edgclp='', tol='', pastol='100', itrmax='', ti='', icgr='')[source]

Create a minimum-curvature surface grid from (x, y, value) located data.

Reference: Smith and Wessel, 1990, Gridding with continuous curvature splines in tension.

  • data – list of [(x, y, value), …] or a callback that returns lists, or a tuple (gdb, value_channel, x_channel, y_channel) where x_channel and y_channel, if not specified, default to the current database (x, y) channels. See below.

  • unit_of_measure – string unit of measurement descriptor.

  • file_name

    name of the grid file, None for a temporary grid. See supported file formats)

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing file

  • max_segments – Maximum number of line segments if using a callback, defaults to 1000.

  • coordinate_system – coordinate system

Gridding parameters follow the nomenclature of the rangrid.con file:

  • cs – The grid cell size in reference system units.

  • area – (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) - grid area, default is the data limits

  • bclip – 0 to use all data (default), 1 to only use data in the dat area.

  • logopt – 1 for log(value) minimum cliped to log(logmin); 2 for logmin + log(value/logmin) for postive value, -logmin - log(-value/logmin for negative value

  • logmin – see logopt, default is 1.

  • idsf – low-pass desampling factor in cells, default is 1. Effectively a low-pass filter that can smooth noisy data that has clustered locations.

  • bkd – Blanking distance. All grid cells farther than the blanking distance from a valid point will be blanked in the output grid. The default is the nominal sample interval, i.e. sqrt(area/#data). This parameter should normally be set to just greater than the maximum sampling interval through which interpolation is desired. If there are too many holes in the resulting grid, increase appropriately.

  • srd – The maximum search radius to use for establishing the starting values for the coarse grid. The default is four times the coarse grid size defined by icgr. If no data is found within the maximum search radius, the mean of the data is used as the starting value. If the search radius is too small, the starting grid can be a poor approximation of the desired grid, resulting in excessive processing time. If too large, too much time will be consumed establishing the original coarse grid.

  • iwt – The weighting power to use to establish the coarse starting grid. The default is 2, for inverse distance squared. There is little reason to change this from the default.

  • edgclp – Edge clipping parameter, the number of grid cells to extend beyond the outside limits of the data. The default (-1) is not to apply edge clipping to the blanking distanced grid. Use this parameter to ensure the grid does not extend too far beyond the actual data limits, which can occur when using a large blanking distance with widely spaced data.

  • tol – The tolerance required for each grid cell. The default is 0.1 percent of the range of the data. Decrease for a more accurate grid.

  • pastol – The percentage of points that must meet the tolerance. The iteration process will stop when the percentage of points change by higher than this required percentage in iteration. The default is 100.0 percent. Decrease for rough data to reduce minimum curvature overshoot, and increase for a to make the grid surface more accurately match the data. Overshoot can also be controlled by increasing tension (ti).

  • itrmax – Maximum number of iterations to use in solving the minimum curvature function. The default is 200 iterations. Increase for a more accurate grid. A value of 1000 is typically sufficient for maximum accuracy.

  • ti – The degree of internal tension ( between 0 and 1 ). The default is no tension (0.0) which produces a true minimum curvature surface. Increasing tension can prevent overshooting of valid data in sparse areas at the expense of increased local curvature near data points.

  • icgr – The course grid size relative to the final grid size. Allowable factors are 16,8,4,2 or 1. The default is 8. The optimum is a factor close to half the nominal data spacing, although in most situations the default is fine. This parameter effects the length of time it takes to find a solution.

The data parameter:

The data can be provided to the gridding algorithm either as a list array, a callback function that returns list array segments, or a geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_database instance. In the case of a list or a callback, a temporary database is constructed internally.

A callback is passed a sequence number, 0, 1, 2, … and is expected to return a list array with each call or None when there is no more data. See the example below. When a callback is used, the max_segments parameter sets the maximum number of lines for the temporary database as each return from the callback will create a new line in the internal temporary database.

If a database instance is passed it must be the first item in a tuple of 2 or 4 items: (gdb_instance, value_channel) or (gdb_instance, value_channel, x_channel, y_channel). In the first case the default spatial (x, y) channels in the database are assumed.


import numpy as np
import geosoft.gxpy.grid as gxgrd

# simple data array
xyv = [(45., 10., 100), (60., 25., 77.), (50., 8., 80.)]
grid = gxgrd.Grid.minimum_curvature(xyv)

# or a numpy array
grid = gxgrd.Grid.minimum_curvature(np.array(xyv))

# a database, grid to a cell size of 100
import geosoft.gxpy.gdb as gxgdb
gdb ='some_mag_data.gdb')
grid = gxgrd.Grid.minimum_curvature((gdb, 'tmi'), cs=100)

# a callback, used for very large data, or to feed data efficiently from some other source.
nxyv = np.array([[(45., 10., 100), (60., 25., 77.), (50., 8., 81.), (55., 11., 66.)],
                 [(20., 15., 108), (25.,  5., 77.), (33., 9., np.nan), (28., 2., 22.)],
                 [(35., 18., 110), (40., 31., 77.), (13., 4., 83.), (44., 4., 7.)]])
def feed_data(n):
    if n >= len(nxyv):
        return None
    return nxyv[n]
grid = gxgrd.Grid.minimum_curvature(feed_data, cs=1.)

New in version 9.4.

property name

Grid name, usually the file name without path or extension.

New in version 9.2.

static name_parts(name)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.2: use gxpy.grid.name_parts()

classmethod new(file_name=None, properties=None, overwrite=False, in_memory=False)[source]

Create a new grid file.

  • file_name

    name of the grid file, None for a temporary grid. See supported file formats)

  • in_memory – Creates an in-memory grid (file_name will be ignored)

  • properties – dictionary of grid properties, see properties()

  • overwrite – True to overwrite existing file

New in version 9.1.


Return a numpy array of grid values in the working dtype.


dtype – desired data type, default is the work_dtype, ignored for color grids


numpy array shape (nx, ny) or (nx, ny, 4) containing RGBA bytes in case of color grids

New in version 9.3.1.

property nx

grid x dimension (number of columns)

New in version 9.2.

property ny

grid y dimension (number of rows)

New in version 9.2.

classmethod open(file_name, dtype=None, mode=0, coordinate_system=None, cell_size=None, expand=None)[source]

Open an existing grid file.

  • file_name

    name of the grid file, with decorations. See supported file formats)

  • dtype – numpy data type, which will be the grid data type.

  • mode

    open mode:


    only read the file, properties cannot be changed


    grid stays the same, but properties may change

  • coordinate_system – desired coordinate system. The grid will be reprojected if necessary.

  • cell_size – desired cell size, defaults to the current cell size.

  • expand – if reprojecting or resampling the are can be expanded by this percentage to allow for curved edges in the new coordinate system space. The default expands by 1%. Set to 0 to prevent expansion.

If reprojecting or setting the cell size different from the original grid, the mode must be FILE_READ.

If reprojecting without setting the cell size a default cell size will be calculated in the new coordinate system that is nominally equivalent to the current cell size.

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.4: added reprojection support


Get the grid properties dictionary


dictionary of all grid properties

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.4: added ‘unit_of_measure’

read_column(column=None, start=0, length=0)[source]
  • column – column to read, if not specified the next column is read starting from column 0

  • start – the first point in the column, default is 0

  • length – number of points to read, the default is to the end of the col.


geosoft.gxvv.GXvv instance

New in version 9.1.

read_row(row=None, start=0, length=None)[source]
  • row – row to read, if not specified the next row is read starting from row 0

  • start – the first point in the row, default is 0

  • length – number of points to read, the default is to the end of the row.


geosoft.gxvv.GXvv instance

New in version 9.1.

property remove_on_close

Remove files on close setting, can be set.


Reset the default read/write to the grid row 0, column 0.

property rot

grid rotation angle, degrees azimuth

Note that grid rotations in the gxapi GXIMG are degrees clockwise, which is the opposite of degree azimuth, used here. All horizontal plane angles in the Python gxpy module are degrees azimuth for consistency.

New in version 9.2.

property rotation_cos_sine

Returns grid rotation (cosine, sine).

New in version 9.3.1.


Set grid properties from a properties dict. Settable property keys are:


grid X origin location (default 0.0)


grid Y origin location (0.0)


grid X point separation (1.0)


grid Y point separation (1.0)


grid rotation angle in degrees azimuth (0.0)


unit of measure for the grid data


coordinate system (unchanged)

Not all keys need be passed, though typically one will get the properties from the grid and modify those that need to change and pass the properties back.


properties – properties dictionary

New in version 9.1.


Calculate and return current grid data statistics as a dictionary.


gxst – gxapi.GXST instance, to which stats will be accumulated, or None.


dictionary of grid data statistics:








geometric mean




standard deviation






sum of all data


sum of data**2


sum of data**3


sum of data**4


number of valid data values


number of dummy values

New in version 9.4.

property unit_of_measure

Units of measurement (a string) for the grid data, can be set.

New in version 9.2.

write_column(data, column=None, start=0, length=None)[source]
  • data – data to write, geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv instance or an array

  • column – column to write, if not specified the next column is written starting from column 0

  • start – the first point in the column, default is 0

  • length – number of points to write, the default is to the end of the row.

New in version 9.4.

write_row(data, row=None, start=0, length=None)[source]
  • data – data to write, geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv instance or an array

  • row – row to write, if not specified the next row is written starting from row 0

  • start – the first point in the row, default is 0

  • length – number of points to read, the default is to the end of the row.

New in version 9.4.

write_rows(data, ix0=0, iy0=0, order=1)[source]

Write data to a grid by rows.

  • data – array of data to write, numpy, list or geosoft.gxapi.GXPG

  • ix0 – grid X index of first point

  • iy0 – grid Y index of first point, top index if writing rows top to bottom

  • order – 1: bottom to top; -1: top to bottom

New in version 9.1.

Changed in version 9.4: accepts list or GXPG

property x0

grid origin x location in the plane coordinate system

New in version 9.2.

xy_from_index(ix, iy)[source]

Return the rotated location of grid index ix, iy

  • ix – grid index x

  • iy – grid index y

New in version 9.4.


Returns the (x, y, z) location of an indexed point in the grid.


item – tuple (ix, iy) grid point, or the point number counting by row


tuple (x, y, z) location

New in version 9.2.1.


Return a numpy float array of (x, y, z, v) grid points.

x, y, z) is the location of each grid point in 3D space and v is the grid value at that location. Dummies will be numpy.nan.


numpy array shape (nx, ny, 4)

New in version 9.2.

property y0

grid origin y location in the plane coordinate system

New in version 9.2.

exception GridException(message)[source]

Bases: geosoft.GXRuntimeError

Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.grid.

New in version 9.1.


Create an array of (x,y,z) points for a grid defined by properties :param properties: grid properties :returns: array of points, shaped (ny, nx, 3)

New in version 9.1.

decorate_name(name, decorations='')[source]

Properly decorate a grid name.

  • name – file name

  • decorations – file decorations, semicolon delimited


decorated file name

New in version 9.1.


Delete all files associates with this grid name.


file_name – name of the grid file

New in version 9.2.

figure_map(grid_file, map_file=None, shade=True, color_map=None, contour=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a map figure from a grid file.

Returns instance

New in version 9.3.

gridBool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.2: use grid_bool

gridMosaic(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.2: use :py:method: grid_mosaic

grid_bool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.4: use geosoft.gxpy.grid_utility.grid_bool

grid_mosaic(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated since version 9.4: use geosoft.gxpy.grid_utility.grid_mosaic

image_file(grid_file, image_file=None, image_type='PNG', pix_width=None, shade=True, color_map=None, contour=None, display_area=None, pix_32_bit=False)[source]

Save a grid file grid as a georeferenced image file.

  • grid_file – grid file name

  • image_file – image file name. The extension should be consistent with the image_type. If not specified a temporary PNG file is created.

  • image_type – image type, one ot the RASTER_FORMAT constants in

  • pix_width – desired image width in pixels, default is the width of the aggregate base layer

  • shadeTrue to add shading effect

  • instance, or a colour ramp file name, default is grid’s default

  • contour – colour contour interval if colours need to break at exact levels

  • display_areageosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2 instance, which defines the desired display area. The display area coordinate system can be different from the grid.

  • pix_32_bit – make 32-bit image (with 8-bit alpha background)


image file name.

New in version 9.3.1.


Return folder, undecorated file name + ext, file root, ext, decorations.

If extension is not specified, “.grd” assumed

For example:

>>> import geosoft.gxpy.grid as gxgrd
>>> namep = gxgrd.name_parts("f:/someFolder/name.grd(GRD;TYPE=SHORT)")
>>> print(namep)

New in version 9.1.

reopen(g, dtype=None, mode=1)[source]

Reopen a grid to access the grid as an existing grid.

Some gxapi.GXIMU methods will not work with grids open as new grids. This method closes the grid and reopens in the specific mode

  • gGrid instance

  • dtype – data type, None to match the data type of the grid being reopened

  • modeFILE_READWRITE (default) or FILE_READ


new Grid instance

New in version 9.4.