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The ARCDB class is used in ArcGIS to access table contents from data sources and layers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly:  geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CARCDB : CHANDLE

public class CARCDB : CHANDLE

The CARCDB type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateDAT
Create a handle to a ARCGIS table DAT 2D object
Public methodCreateDAT3D
Create a handle to a ARCGIS table DAT 3D object
Public methodStatic memberCurrent
This method return a handle to the current table
Public methodExportToDB
Export data from an ARCDB table into a group in a Geosoft GDB using a template.
Public methodFieldLST
Place the list of field names in a LST.
Public methodStatic memberFromIUnknown
This method attempts to make a table handle from an IUnknown pointer Returns ARCDB Handle, <define>ARCDB_NULL</define> if not successful
Public methodGetIPJ
Get georeference information from a table.
Public methodiExistField
This method checks to see if the specified field exists in the table.
Public methodiGetIUnknown
This method gets the IUnknown pointer
Public methodiImportChemDatabaseWizard(String, Int32)
Template creation for importing geochem data.
Public methodiImportChemDatabaseWizard(IWin32Window, String, Int32)
Template creation for importing geochem data.
Public methodStatic memberSelTblExGUI
Select table GUI with table type.
Public methodStatic memberSelTblGUI
Select table GUI.
See Also