Click or drag to resize


The CTRANSFORMLAYER type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyConstantTransform
Apply constant transform to the transform layer
Public methodCancel
Cancel changes done in the transform layer
Public methodClearNodeSelection
Clear the section status of every node
Public methodEnd
End interactive editing for selected grid layer in gmsys.
Public methodiCanRedo
Can perform redo on the transform layer
Public methodiCanUndo
Can perform undo on the transform layer
Public methodRedo
Redo one step of editing in the transform layer
Public methodSaveToNewLayerGrid
Save changes to a new grid
Public methodSelectNode
Select or deselect a node by its index
Public methodStatic memberStart
Start interactive editing for selected grid layer in gmsys.
Public methodUndo
Undo one step of editing in the transform layer
See Also