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CTIN Methods

The CTIN type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopy
Copy TIN
Public methodStatic memberCreate
This method creates a TIN object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create TIN from a serialized source
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodStatic memberExportXML
Export a TIN object as XML
Public methodGetConvexHull
Get the convex hull of the TIN.
Public methodGetIPJ
Get the projection.
Public methodGetJoins
Get joins from a TIN mesh.
Public methodGetMesh
Get lines from a TIN mesh.
Public methodGetNodes
Get the X,Y locations and Z values of the TIN nodes.
Public methodGetTriangle
Get the locations of the vertices of a specific triangle
Public methodGetTriangles
Get the triangle nodes.
Public methodGetVoronoiEdges
Get line segments defining Voronoi cells.
Public methodiIsZValued
Does the TIN contain Z values with each X,Y?
Public methodiLocateTriangle
Get the index of the triangle containing X, Y.
Public methodiNodes
Returns the number of nodes in the TIN
Public methodInterpVV
Interp TINned values using the natural neighbour method.
Public methodiTriangles
Returns the number of triangles in the TIN.
Public methodLinearInterpVV
Interp TINned values using the linear interpolation
Public methodNearestVV
Interp TINned values using the nearest neighbour.
Public methodRangeXY
Find the range in X and Y of the TINned region.
Public methodSerial
Serialize TIN
Public methodSetIPJ
Set the projection.
See Also