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CDCOL Methods

The CDCOL type exposes the following members.

Public methodEnd
Public methodGetLayerHistogram
Get a VV filled with histogram bin counts for each zone of the ITR
Public methodGetLayerInfo(Int32, CITR, String)
Get a layer's information
Public methodGetLayerInfo(Int32, CITR, String, Int32)
Get a layer's information
Public methodGetLayerITR
Get a layer's ITR
Public methodGetLayerStatistics
Get a ST filled with layer statistics
Public methodiGetBrightnessType
Is brightness set separately by layer and by object or just by object?
Public methodiGetType
Get a layer's type
Public methodiNumberOfLayers
Get the number of layers.
Public methodiSetITRTransformFromLayer
Set the input ITR transform to the provided type, based on the statistics of the chosen layer.
Public methodiUpdateZoneTransformParameters(Int32)
Recalculate the layer's ITR, based on the current type of the DCOL. Launches anappropriate zone transform type parameter GUI based on the current selection.
Public methodiUpdateZoneTransformParameters(IWin32Window, Int32)
Recalculate the layer's ITR, based on the current type of the DCOL. Launches anappropriate zone transform type parameter GUI based on the current selection.
Public methodiUpdateZoneTransformType(Int32, Int32)
Recalculate the layer's ITR to the provided type, based on the statistics of the chosen layer.
Public methodiUpdateZoneTransformType(IWin32Window, Int32, Int32)
Recalculate the layer's ITR to the provided type, based on the statistics of the chosen layer.
Public methodStatic memberProjectExplorerGrids
Run the Colour Tool on multiple grids and apply the transform to all of them on exit. The stats are accumulated from all the grids.
Public methodReset
Reset the AGG back to its initial state. Same as cancelling out of the colour tool and restarting; all layers are reset.
Public methodrGetBrightness
Get the brightness of a single layer, or all the layers
Public methodrGetTransparency
Get the transparency. This is returned for the entire map group.
Public methodSaveLayerITR
Save the layer's ITR to a file. A dialog prompts for the file name.
Public methodSetBrightness
Set the brightness of a single layer, or all the layers
Public methodSetLayerITR
Set a layer's ITR
Public methodSetTransparency
Set the transparency. This is set for the entire map group.
Public methodStatic memberStart
Start interactive colour tool editing for current map, grid or other 3D document view.
Public methodStatic memberStartMultipleGroupsFrom3DV
Run the Colour Tool on multiple groups and apply the input transform to all of them on start, and the modified one on exit. The stats are accumulated from all the items.
Public methodStatic memberVoxelDirect
A direct approach to the interactive colour tool for voxels, not relying on an open map, grid, or 3D document view with Oasis Montaj. Instead, the means of constructing the Voxelare explicitly passed in to this function, and the tool is launched within the context ofthat document directly.
See Also