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CIPRecalculateDerivedData Method

Recalculate derived channel values.

Namespace:  Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly:  geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public void RecalculateDerivedData(
	CDB db,
	int line_handle,
	CLST channel_list,
	int recalculate_xyz

public void RecalculateDerivedData(
	CDB db,
	int line_handle,
	CLST channel_list,
	int recalculate_xyz


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCDB
Type: SystemInt32
line handle [<define>DB_LOCK_READWRITE</define>]
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCLST
LST object - channel name overrides
Type: SystemInt32
Recalculate XYZ locations (TRUE or FALSE)?
This function recalculates "derived" channel values from "core" data. It duplicates and extends the functionality of RecalateEx_IP by allowing for the input/output channel names to be overridden, with extra control on what is calculated. 1. Recalculates the "STN" and "N" channels (depending on the system). 2. Recalculates the apparent resistivity "ResCalc", average "IP_Avg" and metal factor "MF" channels 3. Recalculates the "X" and "Y" channels. One of these will be equal to "STN", the other to the internally stored line number for the current line. 4. Recalculate the "Z" channel, based on the current "Topo" channel, and the "N" values. Channel overrides are passed via a LST object, with the channel key (type) passed in the LST_ITEM_NAME part, and the channel name passed in the LST_ITEM_VALUE part. The following channel overrides supported (NOTE: Different behaviours for 2D and 3D arrays) 3D Electrode location channels (IP_ARRAY_3D_XXX): "R1X", "R1Y", "R1Z", "R2X", "R2Y", "R2Z", "T1X", "T1Y", "T1Z", "T2X", "T2Y", "T2Z" (electrodes not included or set to "" are not read) or IN-LINE arrays (DPDP, PLDP, PLPL, GRAD) "R1X", "R2X", "T1X", "T2X" (In-line locations) "R1Y", "R2Y", "T1Y", "T2Y" (Across-line locations) "R1Z", "R2Z", "T1Z", "T2Z" (Z) (for any electrode not include or set to "" the default channel name For the array line direction, or the defined distant electrode location is used) Other input channels overridden if defined: "Vp" (primary voltage - must be in mV) "I" (current - must be in A) Other output channels overridden if defined (if you DON'T want the various output channels modified, then set the override values to ""): "MF" (metal factor) - formulation defined in settings, "AvgIP" (average IP) "AppRes" (apparent resistivity) "N" (Pseudo-section pseudo-depth) "Stn" (Station value) "X" (Station "X" value) "Y" (Station "Y" value) "Z" (Station "Z" value) "Topo" (Ground elevation at station location) Recalculating XYZ will result in any channel grid makers from the IPIMPGRID.GX being re-run, then if a maker exists for the Topo channel it is re-run, and finally the Z channel is recalculated (see "RecalculateZ_IP").
See Also