Source code for geosoft.gxapi.GXTRANSFORMLAYER

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
#  Copyright (c) 2024 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
### extends ''
### block ClassImports
# NOTICE: Do not edit anything here, it is generated code
from . import gxapi_cy
from geosoft.gxapi import GXContext, float_ref, int_ref, str_ref

### endblock ClassImports

### block Header
# NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block
### endblock Header

### block ClassImplementation
# NOTICE: Do not edit anything here, it is generated code
[docs] class GXTRANSFORMLAYER(gxapi_cy.WrapTRANSFORMLAYER): """ GXTRANSFORMLAYER class. Object to interface with GMSYS 3D view objects that supports transforming layer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, handle=0): super(GXTRANSFORMLAYER, self).__init__(GXContext._get_tls_geo(), handle)
[docs] @classmethod def null(cls): """ A null (undefined) instance of `GXTRANSFORMLAYER <geosoft.gxapi.GXTRANSFORMLAYER>` :returns: A null `GXTRANSFORMLAYER <geosoft.gxapi.GXTRANSFORMLAYER>` :rtype: GXTRANSFORMLAYER """ return GXTRANSFORMLAYER()
[docs] def is_null(self): """ Check if this is a null (undefined) instance :returns: True if this is a null (undefined) instance, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self._internal_handle() == 0
# Miscellaneous
[docs] def end(self, applyChanges): """ End interactive editing for selected grid layer in gmsys. :param applyChanges: Apply changes to layer. :type applyChanges: bool .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._end(applyChanges)
[docs] def cancel_(self): """ Cancel changes done in the transform layer .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._cancel_()
[docs] def undo(self): """ Undo one step of editing in the transform layer .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._undo()
[docs] def redo(self): """ Redo one step of editing in the transform layer .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._redo()
[docs] def can_undo(self): """ Can perform undo on the transform layer :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ ret_val = self._can_undo() return ret_val
[docs] def can_redo(self): """ Can perform redo on the transform layer :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ ret_val = self._can_redo() return ret_val
[docs] def save_to_new_layer_grid(self, sGrid): """ Save changes to a new grid :param sGrid: output grid path :type sGrid: str .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._save_to_new_layer_grid(sGrid.encode())
[docs] def apply_constant_transform(self, elevation): """ Apply constant transform to the transform layer :param elevation: change in elevation to apply :type elevation: float .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._apply_constant_transform(elevation)
[docs] def select_node(self, nodeIdx): """ Select or deselect a node by its index :param nodeIdx: node index :type nodeIdx: int .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._select_node(nodeIdx)
[docs] def clear_node_selection(self): """ Clear the section status of every node .. versionadded:: 2022.1 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Limitations:** May not be available while executing a command line program. """ self._clear_node_selection()
### endblock ClassImplementation ### block ClassExtend # NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block ### endblock ClassExtend ### block Footer # NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block ### endblock Footer