Source code for geosoft.gxapi.GXPG

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
#  Copyright (c) 2024 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
#  Copyright (c) 2024 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
### extends ''
### block ClassImports
# NOTICE: Do not edit anything here, it is generated code
from . import gxapi_cy
from geosoft.gxapi import GXContext, float_ref, int_ref, str_ref

### endblock ClassImports

### block Header
# NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block
### endblock Header

### block ClassImplementation
# NOTICE: Do not edit anything here, it is generated code
[docs] class GXPG(gxapi_cy.WrapPG): """ GXPG class. Pager methods for large 2-D arrays This class handles very-large 2-D arrays in which efficient access is required along both rows and columns. **Note:** Typically a grid is accessed using the `GXIMG <geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG>` class, and a `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` is obtained from the `GXIMG <geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG>` using the `GXIMG.get_pg <geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG.get_pg>` function. Following operations on the `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>`, it can be written back to the `GXIMG <geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG>` using `GXIMG.set_pg <geosoft.gxapi.GXIMG.set_pg>`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, handle=0): super(GXPG, self).__init__(GXContext._get_tls_geo(), handle)
[docs] @classmethod def null(cls): """ A null (undefined) instance of `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` :returns: A null `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` :rtype: GXPG """ return GXPG()
[docs] def is_null(self): """ Check if this is a null (undefined) instance :returns: True if this is a null (undefined) instance, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self._internal_handle() == 0
# Miscellaneous # 2D Methods
[docs] def copy(self, pgs): """ Copy the data from one pager to another. :param pgs: Source `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` object :type pgs: GXPG .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._copy(pgs)
[docs] def copy_subset(self, pgs, y_row_d, x_col_d, y_row_s, x_col_s, ny, nx): """ Copy a subset of data from one pager to another. :param pgs: Source `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` object :param y_row_d: Y (row) Origin on destination :param x_col_d: X (col) Origin on destination :param y_row_s: Y (row) Origin on source :param x_col_s: X (col) Origin on source :param ny: Number of Y (rows) to copy :param nx: Number of X (columns) to copy :type pgs: GXPG :type y_row_d: int :type x_col_d: int :type y_row_s: int :type x_col_s: int :type ny: int :type nx: int .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** 2D Only """ self._copy_subset(pgs, y_row_d, x_col_d, y_row_s, x_col_s, ny, nx)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, row, col, type): """ Creates a Pager object :param row: # elements in y (# of row) :param col: # elements in x (# of column) :param type: :ref:`GS_TYPES` :type row: int :type col: int :type type: int :returns: `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` Object :rtype: GXPG .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = gxapi_cy.WrapPG._create(GXContext._get_tls_geo(), row, col, type) return GXPG(ret_val)
[docs] @classmethod def create_s(cls, bf): """ Create a 2D `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` from serialized source. :type bf: GXBF :returns: `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` Object :rtype: GXPG .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** For 3D pagers, use CreateBF_PG. """ ret_val = gxapi_cy.WrapPG._create_s(GXContext._get_tls_geo(), bf) return GXPG(ret_val)
[docs] def dummy(self): """ Sets the Entire pager to dummy. .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._dummy()
[docs] def e_type(self): """ Gets the type of pager. :returns: :ref:`GS_TYPES` :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = self._e_type() return ret_val
[docs] def n_cols(self): """ Gets the # of columns in pager. :returns: # of columns. :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = self._n_cols() return ret_val
[docs] def n_rows(self): """ Gets the # of rows in pager. :returns: # of rows. :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = self._n_rows() return ret_val
[docs] def n_slices(self): """ Gets the # of slices (z) in pager. :returns: # of rows. :rtype: int .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = self._n_slices() return ret_val
[docs] def range(self, min, max): """ Computes the range of the entire pager. :param min: Minimum Data (Dummy if no range) :param max: Maximum Data (Dummy if no range) :type min: float_ref :type max: float_ref .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ min.value, max.value = self._range(min.value, max.value)
[docs] def get(self, col, row): """ Read a single value from a 2D `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :type col: int :type row: int :rtype: float .. versionadded:: 8.3 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** This is a low-performance method. """ ret_val = self._get(col, row) return ret_val
[docs] def set(self, col, row, value): """ Write a single value to a 2D `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param value: value to set :type col: int :type row: int :type value: float .. versionadded:: 9.10 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** This is a low-performance method. """ self._set(col, row, value)
[docs] def read_col(self, col, o, n, vv): """ Read a set of elements in X (column) from pager into vv :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in y to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type col: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_col(col, o, n, vv)
[docs] def read_row(self, row, o, n, vv): """ Read a set of elements in Y (row) from pager into vv :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBx - begining element # in x to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNx - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_row(row, o, n, vv)
[docs] def re_allocate(self, n_row, n_col): """ Changes the size of Pager :param n_row: Number of Y (rows) to reallocate :param n_col: Number of X (columns) to reallocate :type n_row: int :type n_col: int .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._re_allocate(n_row, n_col)
[docs] def serial(self, bf): """ Serialize a 2D `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` to a `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>`. :type bf: GXBF .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** For 3D pagers, use `write_bf <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG.write_bf>`. """ self._serial(bf)
[docs] def statistics(self, st): """ Compute the statistics of a pager object. :param st: hST - statistics object :type st: GXST .. versionadded:: 6.3.1 **License:** `Geosoft End-User License <>`_ """ self._statistics(st)
[docs] def write_col(self, col, o, n, vv): """ Write a set of elements in X (column) from vv into pager :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in y to write (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to write (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type col: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_col(col, o, n, vv)
[docs] def write_row(self, row, o, n, vv): """ Write a set of elements in Y (row) from vv into pager :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBx - begining element # in x to write (0 is the first) :param n: iNx - # elements to write (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 5.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_row(row, o, n, vv)
# 3D Methods
[docs] def copy_subset_3d(self, pgs, sliced, n, vv, slices, rows, cols, n_slice, n_row, n_col): """ Copy a subset of data from one pager to another. :param pgs: Source `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` object :param sliced: Z (slice) Origin on destination :param n: Y (row) Origin on destination :param vv: X (col) Origin on destination :param slices: Z (slice) Origin on source :param rows: Y (row) Origin on source :param cols: X (col) Origin on source :param n_slice: Number of Z (slice) to copy :param n_row: Number of Y (rows) to copy :param n_col: Number of X (columns) to copy :type pgs: GXPG :type sliced: int :type n: int :type vv: int :type slices: int :type rows: int :type cols: int :type n_slice: int :type n_row: int :type n_col: int .. versionadded:: 8.0 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** 2D Only """ self._copy_subset_3d(pgs, sliced, n, vv, slices, rows, cols, n_slice, n_row, n_col)
[docs] @classmethod def create_3d(cls, slice, row, col, type): """ Creates a Pager object :param slice: # elements in z (# of slices) :param row: # elements in y (# of row) :param col: # elements in x (# of column) :param type: :ref:`GS_TYPES` :type slice: int :type row: int :type col: int :type type: int :returns: `GXPG <geosoft.gxapi.GXPG>` Object :rtype: GXPG .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ ret_val = gxapi_cy.WrapPG._create_3d(GXContext._get_tls_geo(), slice, row, col, type) return GXPG(ret_val)
[docs] def read_col_3d(self, slice, col, o, n, vv): """ Read a set of elements in X (column) from pager into vv :param slice: iBz - element # in z (slice #) :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in y to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type slice: int :type col: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_col_3d(slice, col, o, n, vv)
[docs] def read_row_3d(self, slice, row, o, n, vv): """ Read a set of elements in Y (row) from pager into vv :param slice: iBz - element # in z (slice #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBx - begining element # in x to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNx - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type slice: int :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_row_3d(slice, row, o, n, vv)
[docs] def read_trace_3d(self, col, row, o, n, vv): """ Read a set of elements in Z (trace) from pager into vv :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in z to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type col: int :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.3 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_trace_3d(col, row, o, n, vv)
[docs] def re_allocate_3d(self, n_slice, n_row, n_col): """ Changes the size of 3D Pager :param n_slice: Number of Z (slices) to reallocate :param n_row: Number of Y (rows) to reallocate :param n_col: Number of X (columns) to reallocate :type n_slice: int :type n_row: int :type n_col: int .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._re_allocate_3d(n_slice, n_row, n_col)
[docs] def write_col_3d(self, slice, col, o, n, vv): """ Write a set of elements in X (column) from vv into pager :param slice: iBz - element # in z (slice #) :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in y to write (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to write (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type slice: int :type col: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_col_3d(slice, col, o, n, vv)
[docs] def write_row_3d(self, slice, row, o, n, vv): """ Write a set of elements in Y (row) from vv into pager :param slice: iBz - element # in z (slice #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBx - begining element # in x to write (0 is the first) :param n: iNx - # elements to write (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type slice: int :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_row_3d(slice, row, o, n, vv)
[docs] def write_trace_3d(self, col, row, o, n, vv): """ Write a set of elements in Z (trace) from pager into vv :param col: iBx - element # in x (column #) :param row: iBy - element # in y (row #) :param o: iBy - begining element # in z to read (0 is the first) :param n: iNy - # elements to read (0 for whole vector) :param vv: hVV - `GXVV <geosoft.gxapi.GXVV>` handle :type col: int :type row: int :type o: int :type n: int :type vv: GXVV .. versionadded:: 6.3 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_trace_3d(col, row, o, n, vv)
# Utility Methods
[docs] def read_bf(self, bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z): """ Read the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to from a `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>`. :param bf: `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>` to read from :param dir: :ref:`PG_3D_DIR` :param conv: :ref:`PG_BF_CONV` :param rev_x: Reverse X :param rev_y: Reverse Y :param rev_z: Reverse Z :type bf: GXBF :type dir: int :type conv: int :type rev_x: int :type rev_y: int :type rev_z: int .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._read_bf(bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z)
[docs] def read_ra(self, ra, dir, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, dummy): """ Read the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to from an `GXRA <geosoft.gxapi.GXRA>`. :param ra: `GXRA <geosoft.gxapi.GXRA>` to read from :param dir: :ref:`PG_3D_DIR` :param rev_x: Reverse X :param rev_y: Reverse Y :param rev_z: Reverse Z :param dummy: Dummy :type ra: GXRA :type dir: int :type rev_x: int :type rev_y: int :type rev_z: int :type dummy: str .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** Each line must hold only 1 value """ self._read_ra(ra, dir, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, dummy.encode())
[docs] def write_bf(self, bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z): """ Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>`. :param bf: `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>` to write to :param dir: :ref:`PG_3D_DIR` :param conv: :ref:`PG_BF_CONV` :param rev_x: Reverse X :param rev_y: Reverse Y :param rev_z: Reverse Z :type bf: GXBF :type dir: int :type conv: int :type rev_x: int :type rev_y: int :type rev_z: int .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_bf(bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z)
[docs] def write_bf_ex(self, bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, p_dummy): """ Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>`. :param bf: `GXBF <geosoft.gxapi.GXBF>` to write to :param dir: :ref:`PG_3D_DIR` :param conv: :ref:`PG_BF_CONV` :param rev_x: Reverse X :param rev_y: Reverse Y :param rev_z: Reverse Z :param p_dummy: Dummy value :type bf: GXBF :type dir: int :type conv: int :type rev_x: int :type rev_y: int :type rev_z: int :type p_dummy: float .. versionadded:: 9.3 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ """ self._write_bf_ex(bf, dir, conv, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, p_dummy)
[docs] def write_wa(self, wa, dir, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, dummy): """ Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a `GXWA <geosoft.gxapi.GXWA>` :param wa: `GXWA <geosoft.gxapi.GXWA>` to write to :param dir: :ref:`PG_3D_DIR` :param rev_x: Reverse X :param rev_y: Reverse Y :param rev_z: Reverse Z :param dummy: Dummy :type wa: GXWA :type dir: int :type rev_x: int :type rev_y: int :type rev_z: int :type dummy: str .. versionadded:: 6.2 **License:** `Geosoft Open License <>`_ **Note:** Each line will hold only 1 value """ self._write_wa(wa, dir, rev_x, rev_y, rev_z, dummy.encode())
### endblock ClassImplementation ### block ClassExtend # NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block ### endblock ClassExtend ### block Footer # NOTICE: The code generator will not replace the code in this block ### endblock Footer