GXPAT class

class GXPAT(handle=0)[source]

GXPAT class.

A GXPAT object is created from a Geosoft format pattern file. It contains all the individual patterns listed in the file.

Notes: You may create your own fill patterns. They can be added to the “user.pat” file in the <geosoft>useretc directory. User pattern numbers should be in the range between 20000 and 29999.

classmethod create()[source]

Creates a pattern object with current default patterns.


GXPAT object

Return type:


New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

get_lst(cl, lst)[source]

Copies all pattern names into a GXLST object.

  • cl (str) – Class name (”” for all classes)

  • lst (GXLST) – GXLST Handle

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: Returns a list of the available patterns. There will always be at least two items, “None” and “Solid Fill”


Check if this is a null (undefined) instance


True if this is a null (undefined) instance, False otherwise.

Return type:


classmethod null()[source]

A null (undefined) instance of GXPAT


A null GXPAT

Return type: