IPJ_TYPEConstant Class
IPJ Types
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll)
public static class IPJ_TYPEConstant

The IPJ_TYPEConstant type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberANY
Custom projection string 1 - POSC Datum name string 2 - POSC Datum transform name string 3 - POSC Transform, "" if geographic
Public fieldStatic memberGCS
Geographic coordinate system: string 1 - POSC Datum name string 2 - POSC Datum transform name string 3 - not used.
Public fieldStatic memberNONE
Not used for Read_IPJ. This is used for iSourceType_IPJ to indicate no projection.
Public fieldStatic memberPCS
Projected coordinate system: string 1 - POSC PCS name string 2 - POSC Datum transform name string 3 - not used.
Public fieldStatic memberPRJ
Read from a PRJ file: string 1 - Source file name string 2 and 3 are not used.
Public fieldStatic memberTEST
tests the projection tables for internal consistency and creates report files in the project directory. string 1 - outout report file name string 2 - ESRI coordinate strings file. This contains one ESRI coordinate string per line. Lines that start with '#' are skipped. string 3 - not currently used
Public fieldStatic memberWRP
See Also