gxpy modules reference

The geosoft.gxpy modules provide a Python-oriented API that takes advantage of Python to simplify much of the complexity of the low-level GX API.


The following sub-modules organize functions into logical groups.

geosoft.gxpy.agg Geosoft aggregate images
geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system Coodinate systems
geosoft.gxpy.dap_client Geosoft dap server handling.
geosoft.gxpy.dataframe Table (records, fields) handling, via Pandas DataFrame (http://pandas.pydata.org/).
geosoft.gxpy.gdb Geosoft databases for line-oriented spatial data.
geosoft.gxpy.geometry Spatial geometric objects.
geosoft.gxpy.geometry_utility Geometry utilities.
geosoft.gxpy.grid Geosoft grid and image handling, including all supported file formats .
geosoft.gxpy.grid_fft Geosoft Fast Fourier Transform processes for 2D gridded data.
geosoft.gxpy.grid_utility Geosoft grid and image utilities.
geosoft.gxpy.group A Geosoft View (geosoft.gxpy.view.View or geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d) contains graphical elements as Group instances.
geosoft.gxpy.gx GX Context and related methods required for Geosoft Python.
geosoft.gxpy.map Geosoft maps contain one or more 2D and 3D views.
geosoft.gxpy.metadata Geosoft metadata.
geosoft.gxpy.project Geosoft desktop project interface, which provides access to an active and open Geosoft desktop project.
geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata Geosoft spatial data base class.
geosoft.gxpy.surface Geosoft surfaces
geosoft.gxpy.system Geosoft system functions.
geosoft.gxpy.utility Utility functions to support Geosoft Python scripts and modules.
geosoft.gxpy.va Geosoft vector arrays (vector of array elements)
geosoft.gxpy.view Views, which can be 2D or 3D, contain groups of graphical elements that can be displayed to a user in a Geosoft Map viewer or a Geosoft 3D viewer.
geosoft.gxpy.viewer Geosoft Viewers.
geosoft.gxpy.vox Geosoft voxel (voxset) handling.
geosoft.gxpy.vox_display Geosoft vox display handling, which manages the rendering of a geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox in a 3d view.
geosoft.gxpy.vv Geosoft vector.

See https://github.com/GeosoftInc/gxpy/tree/master/examples for example scripts that use the Python modules.

See https://github.com/GeosoftInc/gxpy/tree/master/geosoft/gxpy/tests for tests that exercise the gxpy modules.