GXAGG class

class GXAGG(handle=0)

GXAGG class.

The GXAGG class is used to handle image display on maps. An aggregate contains one or more image layers (LAY) with each layer representing a grid or image file. The GXAGG will combine all the layers to form one image


Change the brightness.

Parameters:brt (float) – -1.0 - black; 0.0 no change; 1.0 white

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: 0.0 brightness does nothing. -1.0 to 0.0 makes colors darker, -1.0 is black 0.0 to 1.0 makes colors lighter, 1.0 is white

classmethod create()

Create an aggregate

Returns:GXAGG object
Return type:GXAGG

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

classmethod create_map(map, name)

Create GXAGG from Map with Group name.

  • map (GXMAP) – GXMAP on which to place the view
  • name (str) – GXAGG group name

GXAGG object

Return type:


New in version 5.0.5.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: The Agg Group name must include the View name with a backslash separating the view name and group name; e.g. “DataAGG_test” (when used as a string, the double slash represents as single ).


Get the brightness setting of the GXAGG

Return type:float

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: Brightness can range from -1.0 (black) to 1.0 (white). This brightness control is relative to the normal color when the GXAGG is created.

GXAGG brightness depends on the brightness of the GXITR of each layer. Calling dGetBright_AGG will poll all layers, and if all have the same brightness, this is returned. If any of the layers have a different brightness, the current brightness of each layer is changed to be the reference brightness (0.0)and the brightness value of 0.0 is returned.

get_layer_itr(layer, itr)

Get the GXITR of a layer

Parameters:layer (int) – Layer number

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: Layers are numbered from 0, consecutively in the order they are placed in the aggregate.

An error will occur if the layer does not exist.

Caller must create/destroy GXITR.


Check if this is a null (undefined) instance

Returns:True if this is a null (undefined) instance, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
layer_img(name, zone, color, cont)

Add an image as a layer in an aggregate.

  • name (str) – Grid name
  • zone (int) – AGG_LAYER_ZONE constants transform to use if color table has none defined.
  • color (str) – Color table name, “” for default This can be a .TBL .ZON .`GXITR <geosoft.gxapi.GXITR>` or .`GXAGG <geosoft.gxapi.GXAGG>` file .TBL is the default
  • cont (float) – Color contour interval or rDUMMY for default

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

See also


layer_img_ex(name, zone, color, min, max, cont)

Add an image as a layer in an aggregate.

  • name (str) – Grid name
  • zone (int) – AGG_LAYER_ZONE constants transform to use if color table has none defined.
  • color (str) – Color table name, “” for default This can be a .TBL .ZON .`GXITR <geosoft.gxapi.GXITR>` or .`GXAGG <geosoft.gxapi.GXAGG>` file .TBL is the default
  • min (float) – Minimum value or rDUMMY for default
  • max (float) – Maximum value or rDUMMY for default
  • cont (float) – Color contour interval or rDUMMY for default

New in version 8.2.

License: Geosoft Open License

See also


layer_shade_img(name, color, inc, dec, scl)

Add a shaded image as a layer in an aggregate.

  • name (str) – Grid name
  • color (str) – Color table name, “” for default
  • inc (float) – Inclination
  • dec (float) – Declination
  • scl (float_ref) – Scale (rDUMMY for default, returns value used)

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: A new grid file will be created to hold the shaded image data. This file will have the same name as the original grid but with “_s” added to the root name. It will always be located in the workspace directory regardless of the location of the original source image. If the file already exists, it will replaced.


Lists file names of all the IMGs inside of the GXAGG.

Parameters:gvv (GXVV) – GXVV of type -STR_FILE
Returns:The number of IMGs.
Return type:int

New in version 5.0.6.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: The returned GXVV contains the file names.

classmethod null()

A null (undefined) instance of GXAGG

Returns:A null GXAGG
Return type:GXAGG

Get the number of layers in an aggregate.

Returns:The number of layers in an aggregate.
Return type:int

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

set_layer_itr(layer, itr)

Set the GXITR of a layer

Parameters:layer (int) – Layer number

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License

Note: Layers are numbered from 0, consecutively in the order they are placed in the aggregate.

An error will occur if the layer does not exist.

Caller must create/destroy GXITR.


Sets the Color Model

Parameters:model (int) – AGG_MODEL constants

New in version 5.0.

License: Geosoft Open License


Sets the Rendering Method

Parameters:method (int) – AGG_RENDER constants

New in version 5.1.1.

License: Geosoft Open License

AGG_LAYER_ZONE constants

Aggregate Layer Zone defines


If a color table with no color transform is passed it will be used with the default zoning method of the data, which is usually AGG_LAYER_ZONE_EQUALAREA.


Linear Distribution


Normal Distribution


Equal Area Distribution


If AGG_LAYER_ZONE_SHADE is specified, a shaded relief layer is created from the specified grid. A new grid file will also be created to hold the shaded relief image data. This file will have the same name as the original grid but with “_s” added to the root name. It will always be located in the workspace directory regardless of the location of the original source image. If the file already exists, it will used as it is. Shading is always at inclination = declination = 45 deg. with default scaling. If different shading is desired, use the layer_shade_img method.


Log Linear Distribution


The last GXITR used to display this data will be used if it exists. If it does not exist, the behaviour is the same as AGG_LAYER_ZONE_DEFAULT.


AGG_MODEL constants

Aggregation color model defines


Hue Saturation Value

gxapi.AGG_MODEL_HSV = 1

Red Green Blue

gxapi.AGG_MODEL_RGB = 2

Cyan Magenta Yellow

gxapi.AGG_MODEL_CMY = 3

AGG_RENDER constants

Aggregation rendering modes


Add all the colors together

gxapi.AGG_RENDER_ADD = 0

Adds and divides by the number of non-dummy colors


Adds and divides by the number of colors


Multiplies current colors by the input’s colors over 255 (input works as the percentage of color to preserve)