geosoft.gxpy module history

Version 9.3.1

New Classes

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh Mesh - set of triangular faces, which are indexes into verticies. Vox display group in a view. Use class methods new() and open()

geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.SpatialData Base class for spatial datasets.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset Surface dataset, which contains one or more Surface instances.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.Surface A single surface, which contains one or more geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instances.

geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox Vox (voxset) class.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplay Creation and handling of vox displays. Vox displays can be placed into a 3D view for display.

New Functions

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image.image_file() Save the aggregate as a georeferenced image file.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.local() Create an ad-hoc local coordinate system.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_translate.convert_vv() Project vv locations in-place.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.is_known() Return True if this is a known coordinate system

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.clear_extent() Clear the extent cache.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.update_gxmeta() Update the database Geosoft metadata as a Geosoft geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata instance.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh.point_array() Return numpy array of face corner locations.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.extent_union() Return the spatial union of two spatial objects.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.first_coordinate_system() Return the first found known coordinate system in the list

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.extent_cell_2d() Return the 2D cell extent of the grid on the grid plane

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.extent_cell_3d() Return the 3D cell extent of the grid in the base coordinate system.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.image_file() Save as a georeferenced image file. Return a numpy array of grid values.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.image_file() Save a grid file grid as a georeferenced image file. Add a VoxDisplay as a new group in the view Return normals of the verticies based on tringular faces, assuming right-hand Create a 3D surface group from a surface dataset file. Return normals of the verticies based on tringular faces, assuming right-hand Return normals of the verticies based on tringular faces, assuming right-hand

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.update_dict() Update the metadata from the content of a dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.get_node_from_meta_dict() Get the node content from a metadata dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.set_node_in_meta_dict() Set a node in a metadata dictionary. Tree nodes are added if absent.

geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.delete_files() Delete file and xml file

geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.extent_from_metadata_file() Return spatial dataset extent from file metadata .xml file

geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.extent_from_metadata() Return spatial dataset extent from geosoft metadata.

geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.find_meta_branch() Return the lowest branch in the meta dictionary that contains the item.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.Surface.computed_properties() Surface properties by geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.compute_extended_info.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.Surface.mesh() Returns a component mesh as geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Mesh instance Surface properties from geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_properties_ex.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.add_surface_dataset() Add the surfaces from an existing surface dataset.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.add_surface() Add a surface to the surface dataset. One can only add surfaces to new datasets. Create a new surface dataset. Open an existing surface dataset.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.surface_guid() Return the guid of a surface based on the name.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.vox_surface() Add voxel isosurfaces to a surface dataset.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.delete_files() Delete all files associated with this surface dataset.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.render() Render a surface, surface dataset or surface dataset file in a 3D view.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.delete_file() Delete a file, does nothing if file does not exist.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.delete_folder() Delete a folder if all files and sub-folders are accessible and deletable.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dtype_gx_dimension() :returns: numpy dtype and dimension of the type, 1, 2 or 3. The dimension indicates 1D, 2D or 3D data.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.file_age() Returns the age of a file in seconds from now. -1 if the file does not exist.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.gx_dtype_dimension() :returns: GX type for a numpy dtype, with dimensions 2 and 3

geosoft.gxpy.utility.is_file_locked() Returns True if the file exists and is currently locked by another process or is younger than age.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.is_path_locked() Returns True if any files in this folder or sub-folders are locked or younger than age.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.jupyter_markdown_toc() Create a markdoown table-of-content string from a jupyter notebook based on markdown “#”.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.unique_name() Build a unique name or file name.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.vector_normalize() Normalise (Euclidean) the last axis of a numpy array

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d.add_extent() Expand current extent to include this extent.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d.delete_plane() Delete a plane, and all content

geosoft.gxpy.view.delete_files() Delete a v3d file with associated files. Just calls

geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox.copy_vox() Create a new vox dataset to match a source vox, with optional new data. Create a new vox dataset Return vox subset in a 3D numpy array. Open an existing vox.

geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox.value_at_location() Voxcet value at a location.

geosoft.gxpy.vox.delete_files() Delete all files associated with this vox name.

geosoft.gxpy.vox.elevation_from_depth() Return elevation origin and elevation cells sizes from a depth origin and depth cell-sizes

geosoft.gxpy.vox.locations_from_cells() Return the cell center locations from an array of cell sizes.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplay.solid() Create a solid colored vox_display from a geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox instance.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplay.vector() Create a vector symbol vox_display from a geosoft.gxpy.vox.Vox instance.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.fill() Fill a vv with a constant value.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.min_max() Return the minimum and maximum values as doubles. Strings are converted if possible.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.np_from_vvset() Return a 2d numpy array from a set of GXvv instances.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.vvset_from_np() Return a set of GXvv instances from a 2d numpy array.

Version 9.3

New Classes

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Channel Class to work with database channels. Use constructor to create a new channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Line Class to work with database lines. Use constructor to create a new line.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata Simple interface to work with Geosoft metadata objects geosoft.gxapi.GXMETA.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.MetadataException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.metadata.

New Functions

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image.figure_map() Create a figure map file from an aggregate.

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image.layer_unit_of_measure() Return the unit of measurement for the specified layer

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Channel.delete() Delete the channel and all associated data. After calling this method this

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.figure_map() Create a figure map file from selected lines in the database.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.get_gx_metadata() Return the database Geosoft metadata as a Geosoft geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata instance.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.unlock_all() Unlock all locked symbols.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Line.bearing() Return bearing of a line based on location of the first and last point in the line.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Line.delete() Delete the line and all data associated with the line. After calling this method this Create a new line.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.create_line_name() Returns a valid database line name constructed from the component parts.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.delete_files() Delete all files associates with this database name.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.is_valid_line_name() Return True if this is a valid line name.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.figure_map() Create a map figure from a grid file. Return the of a color symbol group. Draw a point. Draw many points. Return a Geosoft color number from a color string. Create a contour group from a grid file. A default contour interval is determined from the grid.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.has_entitlement() Returns True if the user has this entitlement. Return the CRC of a map based on the output bitmap image. Export map as a GeoTIFF image Create a figure-style map. Save a map to an image file

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.get_attribute() Retrieve an attribute setting.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.has_attribute() Returns True if this attribute exists in the metadata.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.has_node() Returns True if this node exists in the metadata.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.meta_dict() Metadata content as a nested dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.meta_type() Return if the content of this node is a node (META_TYPE_NODE) or an attribute (META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE).

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.node_attribute_token() returns the node and attribute number of an attribute.

geosoft.gxpy.metadata.Metadata.set_attribute() Set an attribute to a value. The attribute is created if it does not exist.

geosoft.gxpy.project.add_document() Add a document to the project. The document file can be any supported geosoft

geosoft.gxpy.project.remove_document() Remove a document from the project. The document is identified by the document name, which

geosoft.gxpy.surface.Surface.add_mesh() Add a vv mesh to a new surface.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.figure_map() Create a figure view file from an SurfaceDataset.

geosoft.gxpy.surface.SurfaceDataset.view_3d() Create a 3d view (geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d) that contains this SurfaceDataset.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.url_retrieve() Retrieve a URL resource as a file.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d.set_plane_relief_surface() Establish a relief surface for the current plane based on a grid. Return the spatial location of a the center of a cell in the vox.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplay.figure_map() Create a figure view file from the instance.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplay.view_3d() Create a 3d view (geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d) from the instance.

Version 9.2.1

New Functions Returns the (x, y, z) location of an indexed point in the grid.

Version 9.2

New Classes

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image The AGG class supports the creation of aggregate images from one or more grid data sets. Aggregates

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system Coordinate system class. A coordinate system defines a horizontal and vertical reference

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_translate Class to reproject coordinates between different coordinate systems.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Wkt Helper class to parse WKT-formatted spatial reference strings.

geosoft.gxpy.dataframe.Data_frame Pandas DataFrame from a Geosoft table.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Geometry Geometry base class for all geometries and spatial objects in Geosoft.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.PPoint Poly-Point class. Basic instance arithmetic and equality testing is supported.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2 Two points, for a line, or a rectangle, or a cube. Basic instance arithmetic and equality testing is supported.

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point Spatial location (x,y,z). Basic instance arithmetic and equality testing is supported. Aggregate group in a view Color map for establishing data color mapping for things like aggregates and color symbols. Colours, which are stored as a 32-bit color integer. Create a 3D drawing group within a 3D view. Geosoft group class. Text definition: Geosoft map files.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d Geosoft 3D views, which contain 3D drawing groups.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View Geosoft view class.

geosoft.gxpy.agg.AggregateException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.agg.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.CSException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.

geosoft.gxpy.dataframe.DfException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.dataframe. Exceptions from Exceptions from

geosoft.gxpy.view.ViewException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.view.

geosoft.gxpy.viewer.ViewerException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.viewer.

geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.VoxDisplayException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.vox_display.

New Functions

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image.add_layer() Add an image layer to an aggregate

geosoft.gxpy.agg.Aggregate_image.layer_color_map() Return the of a layer. Create a new aggregate from a grid. Create an Aggregate_image from a geosoft.gxapi.GXAGG instance.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.coordinate_dict() Returns “Geosoft” dictionary of coordinate system attributes.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.cs_name() Return requested name.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.oriented_from_xyz() Return oriented (x, y, z) coordinates from true base (x, y, z) coordinates.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.same_as() Return True if both coordinate systems (HCS and VCS) are the same.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.same_hcs() Return True if the HCS are the same.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.same_vcs() Return True if the VCS are the same.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_system.xyz_from_oriented() Return true base (x, y, z) coordinates from oriented (x, y, z) coordinates.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Coordinate_translate.convert() Project data in array in which first columns are x,y or x,y,z.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.Wkt.find_key() Return the name and list of items for a key

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.find_key() Find a key in the wkt, return it’s name and items.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.hcs_orient_vcs_from_name() Split a full coordinate system name into its components. A name has the form “hcs <orient> [vcs]”

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.list_from_wktsrs() Return a list from a wkt spatial reference string.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.name_from_hcs_orient_vcs() Construct a coordinate system name from an hcs, orientation and vcs. If orient or vcs are None or

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.name_list() Get a list of coordinate system names

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.parameter_exists() Test if a parameter set exists in a coordinate system table.

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.parameters() Get a dictionary of parameters for a coordinate system item. Parameters are maintained in

geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system.wkt_vcs() Compose a wkt VERTCS block from a Geosoft vcs string.

geosoft.gxpy.dataframe.table_column() Return a dictionary of a column from a table

geosoft.gxpy.dataframe.table_record() Return a dictionary of a single record from a table

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.read_channel_va() Read VA data from a single channel, return in a va.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.read_channel_vv() Read data from a single channel, return in a vv.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.read_line_vv() Read a line of data into VVs stored in a dictionary by channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.write_channel_va() Write VA data to a single channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.write_channel_vv() Write data to a single channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.write_line_vv() Write data to multiple channels in a line. If no channel list is provided it assumes that the

geosoft.gxpy.geometry.PPoint.make_xyz_vv() Return x, y and z as a set of geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.copy() Create a new Grid instance as a copy of an existing grid.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.extent_2d() Return the 2D extent of the grid on the grid plane

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.extent_3d() Return the 3D extent of the grid in the base coordinate system.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.index_window() Create a windowed instance of a grid.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.xyzv() Return a numpy float array of (x, y, z, v) grid points.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.delete_files() Delete all files associates with this grid name. Create a new aggregate group in a view. Open an existing aggregate group in a view. Return a Color instance adjusted for brightness. Return the gxg.Color of a value. The mapping is determined with exclusive minima, inclusive maxima Save to a Geosoft file, tbl, itr or zon. If the file_name does not have an Set the map boundaries based on a linear distribution between minimum and maximum. Set the color boundaries based on a logarithmic distribution between minimum and maximum. Set the color boundaries using a normal distribution around a mean. Set color map zones based on a start and increment between each color zone. Create a new color symbols group with color mapping. If the group exists a new unique name is Open an existing color symbols group. Draw contours for a grid file. A default contour interval is determined from the grid. Draw a graticule reference on a view. Draw a line on the current plane Returns a pen that inherits default from the current view pen. Arguments are the same Draw a polygon on the current plane. Draw a polyline the current plane Draw a 2D rectangle on the current plane Draw text in the view. Draw a 3D box Draw a cone. Draw a cylinder. Create 3D objects rendered using data attributes. Draw a polyline. Draw multiple points. Draw a sphere. Return an extent in map cm. Locate the group relative to a point. Create a Pen instance from a mapplot-style string descriptor using either a Location of a reference point of an area. Returns font weight for a text height and line thickness. Draw a color bar legend from :class:Color_map coloring definitions. Returns the line thickness appropriate for a text weight.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.elapsed_seconds() Return the elapsed seconds since this GX instance started.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.keep_temp_folder() Keep temporary file folder setting.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.log() Log a string to the log file or log call-back as defined when creating GXpy instance.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.temp_file() Return a unique temporary file name as a full path. The temporary file is created in

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.temp_folder() Return the GX temporary folder path.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.pop_resource() Pop a tracked resource off the resource stack.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.track_resource() Track a resource. Resource tracking is useful for debugging resource leaks. If you create a class List of all aggregates in the map as ‘view_name/group_name’ (mode=0) or Annotate the data view axis Annotate a data view axis Copy an existing view into a new view. Create a linked 3D view inside a 2D map to a geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d in a 3DV Delete a view from a map. You cannot delete the last view in a map. Returns the extent of all data views on the map in map cm. Get the view name associated with a class. Create and open a new Geosoft map. Add a North arrow to the base view of the map. Open an existing map file. Draw a scale bar. Set the view name associated with a class. Draw a map surround. This will draw a single or a double neat-line around the base view of the Return the CRC of a map based on the output bitmap image. Delete all files associated with this map name. Return a fully resolved map file path using the file name, with .map extension Save a map file to an image file

geosoft.gxpy.project.Geosoft_project.current_db_state() Return the state of the current database.

geosoft.gxpy.project.Geosoft_project.current_map_state() Return the state of the current map.

geosoft.gxpy.project.pause() Display a pause dialog, wait for user to press continue or cancel

geosoft.gxpy.project.user_message() Display a message to the user

geosoft.gxpy.system.call_location() Returns function call location including file and line number as a string

geosoft.gxpy.utility.crc32_file() Return 32-bit CRC of a file.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.crc32_str() Return 32-bit CRC of a string.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.crc32() Return 32-bit CRC of a byte buffer.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.datetime_from_year() Return the Python datetime from a decimal Gregorian year.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dict_from_xml() Return a dictionary of an xml string.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dummy_mask() Return a 1-D dummy mask that is True for all rows in a 2D numpy array that

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dummy_none() Returns None if dummy, otherwise the value.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dummy_to_nan() Replaces dummies in float data to numpy.nan. All other data types are returned unchanged.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.geosoft_metadata() Get the metadata dictionary for a geosoft data file.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.gx_dummy() Return the dummy for this value, or this type.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.merge_dict() Update a dictionary by adding key-values from second dictionary. Unlike Python’s

geosoft.gxpy.utility.normalize_file_name() Normalize a file name string by replacing ‘’ with ‘/’. This is useful for writing

geosoft.gxpy.utility.uuid() :returns: a uuid as a string

geosoft.gxpy.utility.xml_from_dict() Return a unicode XML string of a dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.year_from_datetime() Return a decimal Gregorian calendar year from a Python datetime.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.close() Close a view. Use to close a view when working outside of a with ... as: construct.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.delete_group() Delete a group from a map. Nothing happens if the view does not contain this group.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.extent_map_cm() Return an extent in map cm.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.get_class_name() Get the name associated with a view class.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.locate() Locate and scale the view on the map.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.map_cm_to_view() Returns the location of this point on the map (in cm) to the view location in view units. Create a new view on a map. Open an en existing view on a map.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.set_class_name() Set the name associated with a class.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View.view_to_map_cm() Returns the location of this point on the map in the view.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d.groups_on_plane_list() List of groups on a plane.

geosoft.gxpy.view.View_3d.has_plane() True if the view contains plane Create a new 3D view. Open an existing geosoft_3dv file.

geosoft.gxpy.viewer.view_document() Open Geosoft Desktop application for viewing a supported Geosoft document type. These include:

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.list() Return the content of the VV as a list.

Version 9.1

New Classes

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb Class to work with Geosoft databases. This class wraps many of the functions found in

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid Grid and image class.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy Geosoft GX context. This is a singleton class, so subsequent creation returns an instance VA class wrapper.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv VV class wrapper.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.GdbException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.gdb.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.GridException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.grid.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.gx.

geosoft.gxpy.project.ProjectException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.project.

geosoft.gxpy.system.GXSysException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.system.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.UtilityException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.utility. Exceptions from

geosoft.gxpy.vv.VVException Exceptions from geosoft.gxpy.vv.

New Functions

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.channel_details() Return dictionary of channel details

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.channel_dtype() Returns channel numpy dtype

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.channel_name_symb() Return channel name, symbol

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.channel_width() Channel array width, 1 for normal channels, >1 for VA channels.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.commit() Commit database changes.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.delete_channel() Delete channel(s) by name or symbol.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.delete_line() Delete line(s) by name or symbol.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.discard() Discard database changes.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.exist_symb_() Check if a symbol exists of the required type.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.is_channel() Returns True if the channel name exists in the database.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.is_line() Returns True if the named line exists in the database.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.line_details() Return dictionary of line details

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.line_name_symb() Return line name, symbol

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.list_channels() Return a dict of channels in the database.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.list_lines() List of lines in the database, returned as a {name: symbol} dictionary

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.list_values() Build a list of unique values in a channel. Uniqueness depends on the current display format for

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.new_channel() Return a channel symbol, create if it does not exist.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.new_line() Create a new line symbol. If line exists an error is raised. Create a new database. Open an existing database.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.read_channel() Read data from a single channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.read_line() Read a line of data into a numpy array.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.select_lines() Change selected state of a line, or group of lines

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.set_channel_details() Set/change channel details from dictionary

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.write_channel() Write data to a single channel.

geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_gdb.write_line() Write data to a multiple channels in a line. If no channel list is provided it assumes that the

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.delete_files() Delete the files associated with this grid when deleting the grid object.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.from_data_array() Create grid from a 2D numpy array. Create a new grid file. Open an existing grid file. Get the grid properties dictionary

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.read_column() :param column: column to read, if not specified the next column is read starting from column 0

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.read_row() :param row: row to read, if not specified the next row is read starting from row 0

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.set_properties() Set grid properties from a properties dict. Settable property keys are:

geosoft.gxpy.grid.Grid.write_rows() Write data to a grid by rows.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.array_locations() Create an array of (x,y,z) points for a grid defined by properties

geosoft.gxpy.grid.decorate_name() Properly decorate a grid name.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.grid_bool() :param g1: Grids to merge

geosoft.gxpy.grid.grid_mosaic() Combine a set of grids into a single grid. Raises an error if the resulting grid is too large.

geosoft.gxpy.grid.name_parts() Return folder, undecorated file name + ext, file root, ext, decorations.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.disable_app() Disables application windows to allow modal Python UI.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.enable_app() Enables application windows to allow modal Python UI.

geosoft.gxpy.gx.GXpy.entitlements() :returns: The current user entitlements as a dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.project.dict_from_lst() Return a dictionary from a Geosoft geosoft.gxapi.GXLST instance.

geosoft.gxpy.project.get_user_input() Display a dialog prompt on the Geosoft Desktop and wait for user input.

geosoft.gxpy.project.running_script() :returns: 1 if running from a script, 0 if running interactively.

geosoft.gxpy.system.app_name() Returns application script name.

geosoft.gxpy.system.func_name() Returns function name.

geosoft.gxpy.system.parallel_map() A parallel equivalent of the map() built-in Python function (it supports only one iterable argument though).

geosoft.gxpy.system.remove_dir() Robust directory removal, with timed retries to allow for OS timing lags. If you need to use this

geosoft.gxpy.system.unzip() Decompress and write the content of a zip file to a folder.

geosoft.gxpy.system.wait_on_file() Working with large files on systems that cache the file can cause a situation

geosoft.gxpy.utility.check_version() Check the minimum API version.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.decode() Decode a string (s) to a numpy format defined by string (f).

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dict_from_lst() Return a dictionary from a Geosoft geosoft.gxapi.GXLST instance.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dict_from_reg() dictionary from a geosoft.gxapi.GXREG instance

geosoft.gxpy.utility.display_message() Display a message to the user.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.dtype_gx() :returns: numpy dtype from a GX type

geosoft.gxpy.utility.folder_temp() Return the Geosoft temporary folder name.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.folder_user() Return the Geosoft user configurations folder name.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.folder_workspace() Return the Geosoft project folder name.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.get_parameters() Get parameters from the Project Parameter Block.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.get_shared_dict() Get a dictionary shared by an external application.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.gx_dtype() :returns: GX type for a numpy dtype

geosoft.gxpy.utility.rdecode_err() Geosoft string conversion to a number, raising ValueError on failure

geosoft.gxpy.utility.rdecode() Geosoft string (number, date, time, geographic) conversion to a number, always works.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.reg_from_dict() geosoft.gxapi.GXREG instance from a dictionary

geosoft.gxpy.utility.run_external_python() Run a python script as an external program, returning results as a dictionary.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.save_parameters() Save parameters to the Project Parameter Block. Parameter group names and member names

geosoft.gxpy.utility.set_shared_dict() Save a dictionary to be shared by an separate application.

geosoft.gxpy.utility.yearFromJulianDay2() Julian year Return a numpy array of data from a va. Resample VA to a new fiducial and length Copy numpy data into a VA.

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.get_data() Return vv data in a numpy array

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.refid() Resample VV to a new fiducial and length

geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv.set_data() Set vv data from an iterable, which can be another GXvv instance. If the data is float type numpy.nan

geosoft.gxapi module history

Version 9.3.1

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GXTB.set_sort_mode() Set the sort mode of a table.

Version 9.3

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GXCSYMB.get_itr() Get the GXITR of the GXCSYMB

geosoft.gxapi.GXDH.edit_classification_table_file_gui() Edit a symbol color/pattern CSV file

geosoft.gxapi.GXE3DV.get_base_view() Get the current Base GXMVIEW (used to draw 2D legends for groups)

geosoft.gxapi.GXE3DV.get_data_view() Get the current data (3D) GXMVIEW

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.get_e_3dv() Get an GXE3DV from the GXEMAP

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.custom_file_form() General file Open/Save Form for Multiple/Single file selections and custom filter capability

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.show_3d_viewer_dialog() Display a standalone 3D viewer

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.set_import_line() Set the line name for some imports.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.check_equal_to_legacy_voxel() Compare GXMULTIVOXSET to Legacy Voxel

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.compute_default_cell_size() Used if the user does not provide a default cell size.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.convert_double_to_vector() Convert 3 Double Voxels to a Vector Voxel

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.convert_vector_to_double() Convert a Vector Voxel to 3 double Voxels

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_double_constant_vv() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value and non-uniform cell sizes

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_double_constant() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_thematic_constant_vv() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value and non-uniform cell sizes

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_thematic_constant() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_vector_constant_vv() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value and non-uniform cell sizes

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.create_vector_constant() Generate a double MultiVoxset with a constant value

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_binary() Export contents of GXMULTIVOXSET to a Binary File.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_gdb() Export To GDB

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_segy() Export To SEGY

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_voxel() Exports a Multi-Voxset into a Voxel

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_wa() Export To GDB

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_xml() Export a GXMULTIVOXSET to XML

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.export_to_xyz() Export a GXMULTIVOXSET to an XYZ File

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.filter() Apply a 3D filter to a voxel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.grid_direct_from_gdb() Create a voxel using direct gridding.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_datamine() Create a Geosoft Voxel file from a Datamine block model file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_gdb() Imports from a Geosoft Database

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_gocad() Imports a MultiVoxset from a GOCAD File

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_ubc() Import UBC file into a MultiVoxset

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_vector_gdb() Imports from a Vector Geosoft Database

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_voxel() Import a Voxel directly into a Multi-Voxset

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.import_from_xyz() Import XYZ file into a Multi-Voxset

geosoft.gxapi.GXMULTIVOXSET.list_properties_gocad() List all the properties available in this GOCAD file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.delete_group_itr() Deletes existing GXITR associated with a group.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.delete_group_storage() Deletes existing generic storage associated with a group.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.delete_group_tpat() Deletes existing GXTPAT associated with a group.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.find_group_by_guid() Find a Group by name.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_group_guid() Gets a GUID of a group in the GXMVIEW.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_group_itr() Get group GXITR

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_group_tpat() Get group GXTPAT

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_guid() Gets the GUID of the GXMVIEW.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_vector_3d() Get an existing GXVECTOR3D object from the view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.group_itr_exists() Determine if group GXITR exists.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.group_storage_exists() Determine if generic storage associated with a group exists.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.group_tpat_exists() Determine if group GXTPAT exists.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.read_group_storage() Reads existing generic storage associated with a group into an in-memory GXBF.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.set_group_itr() Set group GXITR

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.set_group_tpat() Set group GXTPAT

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.write_group_storage() Open generic existing storage associated with a group for reading.

geosoft.gxapi.GXPG.write_bf_ex() Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a GXBF.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.display_task_dialog_ui() Show a Windows TaskDialog UI (see

geosoft.gxapi.GXVECTOR3D.get_itr() Get the GXITR of the GXVECTOR3D

geosoft.gxapi.GXVECTOR3D.set_itr() Set the GXITR of the GXVECTOR3D

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.get_multi_voxset_guid() Get the UUID

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOXD.get_thematic_info() Get a copy of a thematic voxel’s GXTPAT object and a GXVV containing the current display selections.

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOXD.is_thematic() Is this a thematic voxel?

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOXD.set_thematic_selection() Get a copy of a thematic voxel’s GXTPAT object and a GXVV containing the current display selections.

Version 9.2

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GX3DV.from_map() Get an GX3DV from GXMAP handle (e.g. from GXEMAP.lock on open geosoft_3dv document in project)

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDB.get_cur_point() Returns the coordinates of the currently selected point in the database (first value if range selected)

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.packed_files() The number of packed files in the map.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.export_data_to_ubc_3d() Export of GXIP data to UBC 3D GXIP format.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.get_electrode_locations_and_mask_values2() Get unique electrodes, along with current mask info.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.get_qc_channel() Get the QC channel handle, if it exists.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.set_electrode_mask_values_single_qc_channel() Set unique electrodes, along with current mask info.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ.set_vcs() Set the Vertical Coordinate System in the GXIPJ name string

geosoft.gxapi.GXMAP.create_linked_3d_view() Create a 3D View in this map that is linked to a GXMVIEW in a 3D View file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_3d_point_of_view() Get 3D point of view (values are will be rDUMMY if view for 2D views)

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_aggregate() Get an existing Aggregate object from the view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_col_symbol() Get an existing colored symbol object from the view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_datalinkd() Get an existing Data Link Display (GXDATALINKD) object from the view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.set_3d_point_of_view() Set 3D point of view (no effect on 2D views)

geosoft.gxapi.GXPROJ.current_document_of_type() Get the name of a loaded document of a specific type.

geosoft.gxapi.GXPROJ.current_document() Get the name and type of the loaded document with focus.

geosoft.gxapi.GXPROJ.list_loaded_documents() Fills a GXVV with loaded documents of a certain type.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.log_script_run() This method logs that a script was run

geosoft.gxapi.GXTEST.core_class() Generic Class Test Wrapper

Version 9.1

New Classes

geosoft.gxapi.GXAPIError A subclass of RuntimeError which is raised whenever

geosoft.gxapi.GXCancel A subclass of SystemExit which is raised when a

geosoft.gxapi.GXError A subclass of RuntimeError which is raised whenever

geosoft.gxapi.GXExit A subclass of SystemExit which is raised when a

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.clear_ui_console() Clears the console owned by UI applications. Has no effect on consoles owning standalone scripts.

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.create() Creates the GX execution context (will return the current one if it exists).

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.enable_application_windows() Used by to prevent user interaction while showing modal windows with APIs where it might be hard to use proper window parenting

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.get_active_wnd_id() Get currently active window (main window, floating document or other popup, 0 if not available).

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.get_main_wnd_id() Get the main window handle (0 if not available).

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.has_ui_console() Checks if a console owned by UI applications is available

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.is_ui_console_visible() Checks if a console owned by UI applications is visible

geosoft.gxapi.GXContext.show_ui_console() Shows or hides console owned by UI applications. Showing the console Will also bring the window to the front if behind

geosoft.gxapi.GXDB.valid_symb() This method checks to see if the specified symbol is a valid symbol in the database.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDH.plot_symbols_3d() Plot 3D symbols to an existing 3D map view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.get_xyz_num_fields() Get the number of fields in the XYZ file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.import_bin4() Same as import_bin2 but with an import mode

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.table_selected_lines_fid() Place a Line/Fid information into a Channel for the selected lines in the database.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.draw_rect_3d() Plot a square symbol on a section view.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.get_point_3d() Returns the coordinates of a user selected point.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.get_view_ipj() Get a view’s GXIPJ.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPGUI.launch_offset_ipqc_tool() Launch the Offset GXIP QC tool on a database.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.get_3d_group_flags() Get a 3D geometry group’s 3D rendering flags.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.set_3d_group_flags() Set a 3D geometry group’s 3D rendering flags.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.filter_parm_group() Controls filtering of specific group during logging.

Version 9.0

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GXDATALINKD.create_arc_lyr_ex() Create an GXDATALINKD object from a ArcGIS LYR file

geosoft.gxapi.GXDATALINKD.create_arc_lyr_from_tmp_ex() Create an GXDATALINKD object from a temporary ArcGIS LYR file

geosoft.gxapi.GXDB.get_line_selection() Get the selection status for a line.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDB.set_line_selection() Set the selection status for a line.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.add_block() Add the current block of data.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.add_channel() Add a data channel to the GXDBWRITE object.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.commit() Commit remaining data to the database.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.create_xy() Create a GXDBWRITE object for a XY-located data. Add channels using the

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.create_xyz() Create a GXDBWRITE object for a XYZ-located data.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.create() Create a GXDBWRITE object

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_chan_array_size() Get the number of columns of data in a channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_db() Get the output GXDB handle from the GXDBWRITE object.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_v_vx() Get the X channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_v_vy() Get the Y channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_v_vz() Get the Z channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_va() Get the GXVA handle for an array channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.get_vv() Get the GXVV handle for a channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBWRITE.test_func() Temporary test function.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.split_line_by_direction2() The same as SplitLineByDirection, but with the option to maintain line types when outputting sequentially numbered lines.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.split_line_xy3() Break up a line based on tolerance of lateral and horizontal distance, with

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDB.current_no_activate() This method returns the Current Edited Database.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDB.get_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDB.set_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDOC.current_no_activate() This method returns the Current Edited Document.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDOC.get_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDOC.load_no_activate() Loads a list of documents into the workspace

geosoft.gxapi.GXEDOC.set_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.current_no_activate() This method returns the Current Edited map.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.digitize_peaks() Digitise points from the current map and place in VVs.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.get_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.reload_grid() Reloads a grid document.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAP.set_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAPTEMPLATE.current_no_activate() This method returns the Current Edited map template.

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAPTEMPLATE.get_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEMAPTEMPLATE.set_window_position() Get the map window’s position and dock state

geosoft.gxapi.GXEUL3.ex_euler_calc() Does the exeuler depth calculations

geosoft.gxapi.GXEUL3.ex_euler_derive() Calculates gradients

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.coord_sys_wizard_grid() Launch the coordinate system definition/display GXGUI.

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.get_client_window_area() Get the location of the Oasis montaj client window.

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.get_window_position() Get the Oasis montaj window’s position state

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.get_window_state() Retrieve the current state of the Oasis montaj window

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.launch_geo_dotnetx_tool_ex() Launch a user created .Net GEOXTOOL.

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.launch_geo_x_tool_ex() Launch a user created GEOXTOOL.

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.launch_single_geo_dotnetx_tool_ex() Launch a user created .Net GEOXTOOL ensuring a single instance.

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.set_window_position() Get the Oasis montaj window’s position and state

geosoft.gxapi.GXGUI.set_window_state() Changes the state of the Oasis montaj window

geosoft.gxapi.GXIMU.get_z_peaks_vv() Same as get_zvv, but find the closest peak value to the input locations, and return

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.get_electrode_locations_and_mask_values() Get unique electrodes, along with current mask info.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIP.set_electrode_mask_values() Set unique electrodes, along with current mask info.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ.reproject_section_grid() Reproject a section grid

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ.set_3d_view_from_axes() Set 3D orientation parameters

geosoft.gxapi.GXLPT.get_standard_lst() Copies the six standard line types into a GXLST object.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.is_projection_empty() Returns 1 if the view projection and view user projection are both empty (undefined).

geosoft.gxapi.GXMXD.convert_to_map() Create Geosoft map from ArcGIS GXMXD

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.check_arc_license_ex() Check to see if a ESRI ArcEngine or ArcView license is available, returns type and version of available engine.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.decrypt_string() Decrypts a string that has been previously encrypted by encrypt_string.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.encrypt_string() Encrypts a string for secure storage in configuration files

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.get_entitlement_rights() Get the Entitlement Rights

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.get_loaded_menus() Get the loaded menus.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.is_encrypted_string() Checks whether the specified string was encrypted by encrypt_string.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSYS.set_loaded_menus() Load a list of menus

geosoft.gxapi.GXVVU.offset_correct_xyz() Correct locations based on heading and fixed offset.

geosoft.gxapi.GXVVU.tokenize_to_values() Tokenize a string based on any characters.

Version 8.5

New Functions

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.add_channel() Add a data channel to the GXDBREAD object.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.create_xy() Create a GXDBREAD object for a XY-located data. Add channels using the

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.create_xyz() Create a GXDBREAD object for a XYZ-located data.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.create() Create a GXDBREAD object

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_chan_array_size() Get the number of columns of data in a channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_next_block() Get the next block of data.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_number_of_blocks_to_process() Get the number of blocks to be served up.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_v_vx() Get the X channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_v_vy() Get the Y channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_v_vz() Get the Z channel GXVV handle.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_va() Get the GXVA handle for an array channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDBREAD.get_vv() Get the GXVV handle for a channel.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.import_io_gas() Import data columns from an ioGAS data file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.range_xy() Find the range of X, and Y in the selected lines.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.range_xyz() Find the range of X, Y and Z in selected lines.

geosoft.gxapi.GXDU.split_line_by_direction() The line is split when the heading (calculated from the current X and Y channels) changes by more than a specified amount over

geosoft.gxapi.GXFFT.rc_filter() RC filter

geosoft.gxapi.GXGU.gravity_still_reading_correction() Gravity Still Reading Correction on selected lines.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ.get_3d_matrix_orientation() Gets the coefficients of a 3D matrix orientation.

geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ.set_3d_matrix_orientation() Apply a 3D orientation directly using matrix coefficients.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVIEW.hide_shadow_2d_interpretations() Hide/Show 2d shadow interpretations.

geosoft.gxapi.GXMVU.generate_surface_from_voxel() TODO...

geosoft.gxapi.GXPDF3D.export_2d() Export a 2D map to a PDF file.

geosoft.gxapi.GXPROJ.add_document_without_opening() Adds (and opens) a document file in the current project.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACE.get_extents() Get the spatial range of all surface items.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.compute_extended_info() Compute more information (including validation) about of all mesh components in the surface item.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_extents() Get the spatial range of the the surface item.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_geometry_info() Get the total number of vertices and triangles of all mesh components in item.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_info() Gets information about the surface item.

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_properties_ex() Gets the properties of the surface item (includes new properties introduced in 8.5).

geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.set_properties_ex() Sets the properties of the surface item (includes new properties introduced in 8.5).

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.add_generate_by_subset_pg() Add a subset 3D pagers. These should be “slabs”, 16 wide in the input direction, and the size of the

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.end_generate_by_subset_pg() Output the voxel, after adding all the subset PGs.

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.export_seg_y() Export a voxel to a depth SEG-Y file

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.generate_vector_voxel_from_db() Generate a vector voxel GXVOX from a Database

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.init_generate_by_subset_pg() Initialize the generate of a GXVOX from a series of 3D subset pagers

geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX.tin_grid_db() tin_grid_db GXTIN-Gridding, GXDB version, 3D.