.. _gxpy: gxpy modules reference ====================== The :code:`geosoft.gxpy` modules provide a Python-oriented API that takes advantage of Python to simplify much of the complexity of the `low-level GX API `__. Submodules ---------- The following sub-modules organize functions into logical groups. .. currentmodule:: geosoft.gxpy .. autosummary:: :toctree: geosoft.gxpy.agg geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system geosoft.gxpy.dataframe geosoft.gxpy.gdb geosoft.gxpy.geometry geosoft.gxpy.grid geosoft.gxpy.group geosoft.gxpy.gx geosoft.gxpy.map geosoft.gxpy.project geosoft.gxpy.system geosoft.gxpy.utility geosoft.gxpy.va geosoft.gxpy.view geosoft.gxpy.viewer geosoft.gxpy.vv See https://github.com/GeosoftInc/gxpy/tree/master/examples for example scripts that use the Python modules. .. automodule:: geosoft.gxpy :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: