Source code for geosoft.gxpy.vox

Geosoft voxel (voxset) handling.


    ============ ==========================================================================
    :class:`Vox` Geosoft voxel (voxset), subclass of `geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.SpatialData`
    ============ ==========================================================================

    :Z_ELEVATION:    0, z values are elevation
    :Z_DEPTH:        1, z values are depth
    :MODE_READ:      `geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.MODE_READ`
    :MODE_READWRITE: `geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.MODE_READWRITE`
    :MODE_NEW:       `geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata.MODE_NEW`
    :INTERP_NEAREST: `geosoft.gxapi.VOXE_EVAL_NEAR`
    :INTERP_LINEAR:  `geosoft.gxapi.VOXE_EVAL_INTERP`
    :INTERP_SMOOTH:  `geosoft.gxapi.VOXE_EVAL_BEST`

.. seealso:: `geosoft.gxpy.spatialdata`, `geosoft.gxpy.vox_display`, `geosoft.gxapi.GXVOX`

.. note::

    Regression tests provide usage examples:     
    `Tests <>`_

.. versionadded:: 9.3.1
import os
import numpy as np
from import Sequence

import geosoft
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi
from . import gx as gx
from . import coordinate_system as gxcs
from . import vv as gxvv
from . import utility as gxu
from . import spatialdata as gxspd
from . import geometry as gxgm
from . import gdb as gxgdb

__version__ = geosoft.__version__

def _t(s):
    return geosoft.gxpy.system.translate(s)

[docs]class VoxException(geosoft.GXRuntimeError): """ Exceptions from :mod:`geosoft.gxpy.vox`. """ pass
def _vox_file_name(name, vectorvoxel=False): ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower() if (ext == '.geosoft_voxel') or (ext == '.geosoft_vectorvoxel'): return name if vectorvoxel: return name + '.geosoft_vectorvoxel' return name + '.geosoft_voxel' def _vox_name(name): basename = os.path.basename(name) return os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
[docs]def delete_files(vox_name): """ Delete all files associated with this vox name. :param vox_name: name of the vox file .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ gxspd.delete_files(vox_name)
[docs]def locations_from_cells(cells, ref=0.0): """ Return the cell center locations from an array of cell sizes. :param cells: array of cell sizes :param ref: reference (origin) added to values :return: location array .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if isinstance(cells, gxvv.GXvv): cells = list( locations = list(cells) locations[0] = ref for i in range(1, len(cells)): locations[i] = locations[i - 1] + (cells[i - 1] + cells[i]) * 0.5 return locations
[docs]def elevation_from_depth(depth_origin, depth_cells): """ Return elevation origin and elevation cells sizes from a depth origin and depth cell-sizes :param depth_origin: top vox z origin as depth below 0 :param depth_cells: cell sizes with depth :return: elevation origin (bottom cell), cell sizes up from origin .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ vv = False if isinstance(depth_cells, gxvv.GXvv): depth_cells = list( vv = True # elevation origin is the deepest cell elevation_origin = -locations_from_cells(depth_cells, depth_origin)[len(depth_cells) - 1] elevation_cells = list(reversed(depth_cells)) if vv: return elevation_origin, gxvv.GXvv(elevation_cells) return elevation_origin, list(reversed(depth_cells))
[docs]class Vox(gxspd.SpatialData, Sequence): """ Vox (voxset) class. :Constructors: ======================= ============================================ :meth:`open` open an existing vox dataset :meth:`new` create a new vox dataset ======================= ============================================ A vox instance supports iteration that yields (x, y, z, vox_value) by cell-centered points along horizontal rows, then columns, then depth slices starting at minimum z. For example, the following prints the x, y, z, vox_value of every non-dummy cell in a vox: .. code:: import geosoft.gxpy.vox as gxvox with'some.geosoft_voxel') as g: for x, y, z, v in g: if v is not None: print(x, y, z, v) Specific vox cell values can be indexed (null vox values are None): .. code:: import geosoft.gxpy.vox as gxvox with'some_voxel') as vox: for iz in range( for iy in range(vox.ny): for ix in range(vox.nx): x, y, z, v = vox[ix, iy, iz] if v is not None: print(x, y, z, v) .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ def _close(self, pop=True): if hasattr(self, '_open'): if self._open: self._gxvoxe = None self._gxvox = None self._pg = None self._origin = None self._locations = None self._cells = None self._uniform_cell_size = None self._buffer_np = None super(Vox, self)._close()
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, gxvox=None, dtype=None, mode=None, overwrite=False): self._file_name = _vox_file_name(name) self._name = _vox_name(self._file_name) super().__init__(name=self._name, file_name=self._file_name, mode=mode, overwrite=overwrite, gxobj=gxvox) self._gxvox = gxvox self._gxvoxe = None self._next = self._next_x = self._next_y = self._next_z = 0 self._locations = None self._cells = None self._pg = None self._buffered_plane = self._buffered_row = None self._is_depth = False ityp = gxapi.int_ref() iarr = gxapi.int_ref() nx = gxapi.int_ref() ny = gxapi.int_ref() nz = gxapi.int_ref() self._gxvox.get_info(ityp, iarr, nx, ny, nz) if dtype is None: self._dtype = gxu.dtype_gx(ityp.value) else: self._dtype = dtype self._return_int = gxu.is_int(gxu.gx_dtype(self._dtype)) self._dim = (nx.value, ny.value, nz.value) self._max_iter = nx.value * ny.value * nz.value # location self._setup_locations()
def __len__(self): return self._max_iter def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._next >= self._max_iter: self._next = 0 raise StopIteration else: v = self.__getitem__(self._next) self._next += 1 return v def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): iz = item // (self.nx * self.ny) item -= iz * self.nx * self.ny ix = item % self.nx iy = item // self.nx else: ix, iy, iz = item x, y, z =, iy, iz) if self.is_depth: iz = - iz - 1 if (self._buffered_plane != iz) or (self._buffered_row != iy): self._buffered_plane = iz self._buffered_row = iy if self.is_vectorvox: vv = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=self._dtype, dim=3) else: vv = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=self._dtype) self.gxpg.read_row_3d(iz, iy, 0, self._dim[0], vv.gxvv) self._buffer_np = v = self._buffer_np[ix] if self._return_int: v = int(v) if v == gxapi.iDUMMY: v = None else: if self.is_vectorvox: vx = None if np.isnan(v[0]) else v[0] vy = None if np.isnan(v[1]) else v[1] vz = None if np.isnan(v[2]) else v[2] v = (vx, vy, vz) elif np.isnan(v): v = None return x, y, z, v
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, name, gxapi_vox=None, dtype=None, mode=MODE_READ, depth=False): """ Open an existing vox. :param name: name of the vox. If a name only the vox is resolved from the project. If a file name or complete path, the vox is resolved from the file system outside of the current project. :param gxapi_vox: `gxapi.GXVOX` instance to create from GXVOX instance. :param dtype: working dtype for retrieving data. :param depth: True to work with z as depth (positive down), origin at the top of the vox. The default is False, z is elevation (positive up), origin at the bottom of the vox. :param mode: open mode: ================= ========================================================== MODE_READ only read the vox, properties cannot be changed MODE_READWRITE vox stays the same, but properties and metadata may change ================= ========================================================== .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if gxapi_vox is None: gxapi_vox = gxapi.GXVOX.create(_vox_file_name(name)) vox = cls(name, gxapi_vox, dtype=dtype, mode=mode) vox.is_depth = depth return vox
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, name, data, temp=False, overwrite=False, dtype=None, origin=(0., 0., 0.), cell_size=None, coordinate_system=None, depth=False): """ Create a new vox dataset :param name: dataset name, or a path to a persistent file. A file with extension `.geosoft_voxel` or `geosoft_vectorvoxel` will be created for vox instances that will persist (`temp=True`). :param data: data to place in the vox, must have 3 dimensions (nz, ny, nx) for simple scalar data, or (nx, ny, nz, 3) for vector data.f :param temp: True to create a temporary vox which will be removed after use :param overwrite: True to overwrite existing persistent vox :param dtype: data type, default is the same as data, or np.float64 of no data. :param origin: (x0, y0, z0) location of the **center** of the origin voxel cell. :param cell_size: uniform cell size, or (dx, dy, dz) cell sizes in the x, y and z directions. The default is (1., 1., 1.). For variable cell size on a dimension, provide an array of the cell sizes along that dimension. The array length must match the data dimension along that axis. For example: `cell_size=((1, 2.5, 1.5), (1, 1, 1, 1), (5, 4, 3, 2, 1))` will create a vox with (x, y, z) dimension (3, 4, 5) and sizes as specified in each dimension. :param coordinate_system: coordinate system as required to create from `geosoft.gxpy.Coordinate_system` :param depth: True to work with z as depth (positive down). The default is False, z is elevation (positive up) .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float32) vec_dim = 1 if data.ndim == 4: if data.shape[3] != 3: raise VoxException(_t('Data appears to be vector data, but last dimension is not 3.')) if data.dtype != np.float32: data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float32) vec_dim = 3 elif data.ndim != 3: raise VoxException(_t('Data must have 3 or 4 dimensions, this data has {} dimensions').format(data.ndim)) if not temp: file_name = _vox_file_name(name, vectorvoxel=(vec_dim == 3)) if not overwrite: if os.path.isfile(file_name): raise VoxException(_t('Cannot overwrite existing vox {}'.format(file_name))) else: if vec_dim == 1: file_name = gx.gx().temp_file('.geosoft_voxel') else: file_name = gx.gx().temp_file('.geosoft_vectorvoxel') dimension = (data.shape[2], data.shape[1], data.shape[0]) if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if cell_size is None: cell_size = (1., 1., 1.) elif isinstance(cell_size, int): cell_size = (cell_size, cell_size, cell_size) dvv = list(cell_size) for i in range(3): if hasattr(dvv[i], '__iter__'): dvv[i] = gxvv.GXvv(dvv[i], dtype=np.float64) else: dvv[i] = gxvv.GXvv(np.zeros((dimension[i],)) + dvv[i], dtype=np.float64) x0, y0, z0 = origin cx, cy, cz = dvv # dimensions must match if dimension != (cx.length, cy.length, cz.length): raise VoxException(_t('Vox dimension {} and variable_cell_size dimensions {} do not match' ).format(dimension, (cx.length, cy.length, cz.length))) if depth: z0, cz = elevation_from_depth(z0, cz) if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 pg = gxapi.GXPG.create_3d(cz.length, cy.length, cx.length, gxu.gx_dtype_dimension(dtype, vec_dim)) vv = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=dtype, dim=vec_dim) vv.length = cx.length for s in range(cz.length): for iy in range(cy.length): vv.set_data(data[s, iy, :]) if depth: sz = cz.length - s - 1 else: sz = s pg.write_row_3d(sz, iy, 0, vv.length, vv.gxvv) gxvox = gxapi.GXVOX.generate_pgvv(file_name, pg, x0, y0, z0, cx.gxvv, cy.gxvv, cz.gxvv, gxcs.Coordinate_system(coordinate_system).gxipj, gxapi.GXMETA.create()) vox = cls(name, gxvox, mode=MODE_NEW, overwrite=overwrite) vox._file_name = file_name vox.is_depth = depth return vox
[docs] @classmethod def copy_vox(cls, name, source_vox, data=None, temp=False, overwrite=False, dtype=None): """ Create a new vox dataset to match a source vox, with optional new data. :param name: dataset name, or a path to a persistent file. A file with extension `.geosoft_voxel` will be created for vox instances that will persist (`temp=True`). :param source_vox: `Vox` instance of the source vox :param data: data to place in the vox, must have 3 dimensions (nz, ny, nx). If not specified a copy of source+vox data is used. Data arrays are indexed (z, y, x). :param temp: True to create a temporary vox :param overwrite: True to overwrite existing persistent vox :param dtype: data type, default is the same as data, or np.float64 of no data. .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if data is None: data = vox =, data, overwrite=overwrite, temp=temp, dtype=dtype, origin=(source_vox.origin_x, source_vox.origin_y, source_vox.origin_z,), cell_size=(source_vox.cells_x, source_vox.cells_y, source_vox.cells_z), coordinate_system=source_vox.coordinate_system, depth=source_vox.is_depth) return vox
@property def gxvox(self): """`gxapi.GXVOX` instance handle""" return self._gxvox @property def is_vectorvox(self): """True if this is a vector voxel.""" return bool(self.gxvox.is_vector_voxel()) @property def dtype(self): """Working dtype for the data.""" return self._dtype @property def nx(self): """ number of cells in vox X direction""" return self._dim[0] @property def ny(self): """ number of cells in vox Y direction""" return self._dim[1] @property def nz(self): """ number of cells in vox Z direction""" return self._dim[2] @property def dx(self): """constant X cell size, None if not constant, in which case use `cells_x`""" if self._uniform_cell_size[0] == gxapi.rDUMMY: return None return self._uniform_cell_size[0] @property def dy(self): """constant Y cell size, None if not constant, in which case use `cells_y`""" if self._uniform_cell_size[1] == gxapi.rDUMMY: return None return self._uniform_cell_size[1] @property def dz(self): """constant Z cell size, None if not constant, in which case use `cells_z`""" if self._uniform_cell_size[2] == gxapi.rDUMMY: return None return self._uniform_cell_size[2] @property def origin_x(self): """X location of the center of the vox origin cell.""" return self._origin[0] @property def origin_y(self): """Y location of the center of the vox origin cell.""" return self._origin[1] @property def origin_z(self): """Z location of the center of the vox origin cell, top for depth=True, bottom for depth=False""" return self.locations_z[0] @property def uniform_dx(self): """True if X cell sizes are constant""" return self.dx is not None @property def uniform_dy(self): """True if Y cell sizes are constant""" return self.dy is not None @property def uniform_dz(self): """True if Z cell sizes are constant""" return is not None @property def extent(self): """ extent to the outer-cell edges of the vox as a `geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2`.""" rx0 = gxapi.float_ref() ry0 = gxapi.float_ref() rz0 = gxapi.float_ref() rx1 = gxapi.float_ref() ry1 = gxapi.float_ref() rz1 = gxapi.float_ref() self.gxvox.get_area(rx0, ry0, rz0, rx1, ry1, rz1) if self.is_depth: return gxgm.Point2(((rx0.value, ry0.value, -rz1.value), (rx1.value, ry1.value, -rz0.value))) return gxgm.Point2(((rx0.value, ry0.value, rz0.value), (rx1.value, ry1.value, rz1.value)), self.coordinate_system) def _setup_locations(self): xvv = gxvv.GXvv() yvv = gxvv.GXvv() zvv = gxvv.GXvv() self.gxvox.get_location_points(xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv, zvv.gxvv) self._locations = (list(, list(, list( x0 = gxapi.float_ref() y0 = gxapi.float_ref() z0 = gxapi.float_ref() self.gxvox.get_location(x0, y0, z0, xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv, zvv.gxvv) self._origin = (x0.value, y0.value, z0.value) self._cells = (list(, list(, list( dx = gxapi.float_ref() dy = gxapi.float_ref() dz = gxapi.float_ref() self._gxvox.get_simple_location(x0, y0, z0, dx, dy, dz) self._uniform_cell_size = (dx.value, dy.value, dz.value) @property def locations_x(self): """Return array of X cell-center locations""" return self._locations[0] @property def locations_y(self): """Return array of Y cell-center locations""" return self._locations[1] @property def locations_z(self): """Return array of Z cell-center locations""" if self.is_depth: return [-z for z in reversed(self._locations[2])] return self._locations[2] @property def cells_x(self): """Return array of X cell sizes""" return self._cells[0] @property def cells_y(self): """Return array of Y cell sizes""" return self._cells[1] @property def cells_z(self): """Return array of Z cell sizes""" if self.is_depth: return list(reversed(self._cells[2])) return self._cells[2] @property def gxpg(self): """ `geosoft.gxapi.GXPG` instance (3D) for this vox. The GXPG will always index z from minimum elevation (bottom of the vox). .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if self._pg is None: self._pg = self.gxvox.create_pg() return self._pg @property def gxvoxe(self): """Return a `gxapi.GXVOXE` instance""" if self._gxvoxe is None: self._gxvoxe = gxapi.GXVOXE.create(self.gxvox) return self._gxvoxe @property def is_depth(self): """True if z is depth. Can be set.""" return self._is_depth @is_depth.setter def is_depth(self, b): self._is_depth = bool(b) @property def is_elevation(self): """True if z is elevation. Can be set.""" return not self._is_depth @is_elevation.setter def is_elevation(self, b): self._is_depth = not(bool(b)) def _checkindex(self, ix, iy, iz): if (ix < 0) or (ix >= self.nx) or (iy < 0) or (iy >= self.ny) or (iz < 0) or (iz >= raise IndexError( _t("Voxel index ({}, {}, {}) out of range ({}, {}, {}).").format( ix, iy, iz, self.nx, self.ny,
[docs] def xyz(self, ix, iy, iz): """ Return the spatial location of a the center of a cell in the vox. Raises error if our of range of the data :param ix: x index :param iy: y index :param iz: z index, from bottom for elevation, from top for depth :return: (x, y, elevation) or (x, y, depth) .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ self._checkindex(ix, iy, iz) return self.locations_x[ix], self.locations_y[iy], self.locations_z[iz]
[docs] def value_at_location(self, xyz, interpolate=INTERP_LINEAR): """ Vox at a location. :param xyz: tuple (x, y, z) location in the vox coordinate system :param interpolate: method by which to interpolate between cell centers: ============== ============================================================= INTERP_NEAREST same as value inside a cell. INTERP_LINEAR linear interpolation between neighboring cell centers. INTERP_SMOOTH smooth interpolation (slower than INTERP_LINEAR). ============== ============================================================= :returns: vox value at that location .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ x, y, z = xyz if self.is_depth: z = -z v = self.gxvoxe.value(x, y, z, interpolate) if v == gxapi.rDUMMY: return None return v
[docs] def np(self, subset=None, dtype=None): """ Return vox subset in a 3D numpy array. :param subset: define a subset ((start_x, start_y, start_z),(nx, ny, nz)). If not specified a numpy array of the entire vox is returned. Missing items are calculated from the vox, and negative indexes in start indicate a value from the last cell. start=(None, None) equivalent: start=((0, 0, 0), (nx, ny, nz)) start=((4, 6, 11), None) equivalent: start=((4, 6, 11), (nx - 4, ny - 6, nz - 11)) start=((4, 6, 11), (None, None, 1) equivalent: start=((4, 6, 11), (nx - 4, ny - 6, 1)) start=((0, 0, -1), None equivalent: start=((0, 0, nx - 1), (nx, ny, 1)) :param dtype: desired np.dtype, default is same as vox dtype. :return: numpy array of shape (nz, ny, nx). The order of z depends on is_depth property setting. .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ def set_0(n, nn): if n is None: return 0 if n < 0: nr = nn + n else: nr = n if nr < 0 or nr >= nn: raise VoxException(_t("Invalid start ({}) for axis dimension ({})").format(n, nn)) return nr def set_d(o, n, nn): if n is None: return nn - o return n if subset: start, dimension = subset else: start = (0, 0, 0) dimension = None # start if start is None: x0 = y0 = z0 = 0 else: x0, y0, z0 = start x0 = set_0(x0, self.nx) y0 = set_0(y0, self.ny) z0 = set_0(z0, # dimensions if dimension is None: nx = self.nx - x0 ny = self.ny - y0 nz = - z0 else: nx, ny, nz = dimension nx = set_d(x0, nx, self.nx) ny = set_d(y0, ny, self.ny) nz = set_d(z0, nz, gxpg = self.gxpg if dtype is None: dtype = self._dtype if self.is_vectorvox: shape = (nz, ny, nx, 3) dim = 3 else: shape = (nz, ny, nx) dim = 1 npv = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) vv = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=dtype, dim=dim) vv.length = nx if self.is_depth: z0 = - (z0 + nz) i = 1 for iz in range(z0, z0 + nz): for iy in range(y0, y0 + ny): gxpg.read_row_3d(iz, iy, x0, nx, vv.gxvv) npv[nz - i, iy - y0, :] = i += 1 else: for iz in range(z0, z0 + nz): for iy in range(y0, y0 + ny): gxpg.read_row_3d(iz, iy, x0, nx, vv.gxvv) npv[iz - z0, iy - y0, :] = return npv
@classmethod def _rbf(cls, data, file_name=None, overwrite=False, max_segments=1000, coordinate_system=None, cs=None, tolerance=None, max_iterations=200, unit_of_measure=None): """ STUB for future release... Create a vox using a radial-basis function. :param data: list of [(x, y, z, value), ...] or a callback that returns lists, or a tuple (gdb, value_channel, x_channel, y_channel, z_channel) where x_channel, y_channel and z_channel, if not specified, default to the current database (x, y, z) channels. See below. :param file_name: name of the geosoft voxel file, None for a temporary vox. :param overwrite: True to overwrite existing file :param max_segments: Maximum number of line segments if using a callback, defaults to 1000. :param coordinate_system: coordinate system :param cs: The voxel cell size in reference system units. :param tolerance: The tolerance required to fit the rbf function to the data values. The default is 0.1 percent of the range of the data. :param max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations to use in solving the rbf function. The default is 200 iterations. Increase for a more accurate grid. A value of 1000 is typically sufficient for maximum accuracy. :param unit_of_measure: string descriptor for the data unit of measure **The** `data` **parameter:** The data can be provided to the rbf algorithm either as a list array, a callback function that returns list array segments, or a `geosoft.gxpy.gdb.Geosoft_database` instance. In the case of a list or a callback, a temporary database is constructed internally. A callback is passed a sequence number, 0, 1, 2, ... and is expected to return a list array with each call or None when there is no more data. See the example below. When a callback is used, the `max_segments` parameter sets the maximum number of lines for the temporary database as each return from the callback will create a new line in the internal temporary database. If a database instance is passed it must be the first item in a tuple of 2 or 5 items: (gdb_instance, value_channel) or (gdb_instance, value_channel, x_channel, y_channel, z_channel). In the first case the default spatial (x, y, z) channels in the database are assumed. Examples: .. code:: import numpy as np import geosoft.gxpy.vox as gxvox # from a simple data array of (x, y, z, value) xyzv = [(45., 10., 0., 100), (60., 25., 0., 77.), (50., 8., 5., 80.), (55., 18., 12., 90.) ] vox = gxvox.Vox.rbf(xyzv) # or from a numpy array vox = gxvox.vox.rbf(np.array(xyzv)) # from a database, vox to a cell size of 100 import geosoft.gxpy.gdb as gxgdb gdb ='density_data.gdb') vox = gxvox.vox.rbf((gdb, 'density'), cs=100) # a callback, used for very large data, or to feed data efficiently from some other source. nxyzv = np.array([[(45., 10., 0., 100), (60., 25., 10., 77.), (50., 8., 10., 81.), (55., 11., 25., 66.)], [(20., 15., 5., 108), (25., 5., 12., 77.), (33., 9., 10., np.nan), (28., 2., 20., 22.)], [(35., 18., 8., 110), (40., 31., 18., 77.), (13., 4., 10., 83.), (44., 4., 18., 7.)]]) def feed_data(n): if n >= len(nxyzv): return None return nxyzv[n] vox = gxvox.vox.rbf(feed_data, cs=1.) .. versionadded:: 9.4 """ def gdb_from_callback(callback): _gdb = channels = ('x', 'y', 'z', 'v') il = 0 xyzv_list = callback(il) while xyzv_list is not None: _gdb.write_line('L{}'.format(il), xyzv_list, channels=channels) il += 1 xyzv_list = callback(il) _gdb.xyz_channels = channels[:3] return _gdb def gdb_from_data(_d): def _data(i): if i == 0: return _d else: return None return gdb_from_callback(_data) # create a database from the data xc, yc, zc = ('x', 'y', 'z') discard = False if callable(data): gdb = gdb_from_callback(data) vc = 'v' discard = True elif isinstance(data, tuple): gdb = data[0] vc = data[1] if len(data) == 5: xc = data[2] yc = data[3] zc = data[4] else: xc, yc, zc = gdb.xyz_channels discard = True else: gdb = gdb_from_data(data) vc = 'v' gdb.xyz_channels = (xc, yc, zc) if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.1 # TODO calculate sd of data if tolerance and float(tolerance) <= 0.: tolerance = 1.0e-25 if file_name is None: file_name = gx.gx().temp_file('geosoft_voxel') elif os.path.exists(file_name): if overwrite: gxu.delete_files_by_root(file_name) else: raise VoxException(_t('Cannot overwrite existing file: {}').format(file_name)) gxapi.GXMULTIGRID3DUTIL.generate_rbf(gdb.gxdb, file_name, vc, cs, tolerance, max_iterations, 1, gxapi.RBFKERNEL_GUASSIAN, 0.5) vox = if coordinate_system is None: coordinate_system = gdb.coordinate_system vox.coordinate_system = coordinate_system if unit_of_measure is None: unit_of_measure = gxgdb.Channel(gdb, vc).unit_of_measure vox.unit_of_measure = unit_of_measure if discard: gdb.close(discard=True) return vox