Source code for

Geosoft vector arrays (vector of array elements)


    =============== =========================
    :class:`GXva`   vector of array elements
    =============== =========================

VA and VV classes are related based on a key called a *fiducial*, 
which has a start value and increment between values.  The :meth:`refid` method can be used to resample vector
data to the same fiducial so that vector-to-vector operations can be performed.

.. seealso:: :mod:`geosoft.gxpy.vv`, :mod:`geosoft.gxapi.GXVA`, :mod:`geosoft.gxapi.GXVV`

.. note::

    Regression tests provide usage examples:    
    `va tests <>`_

from import Sequence
import numpy as np
import geosoft
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi
from . import utility as gxu

__version__ = geosoft.__version__

def _t(s):
    return geosoft.gxpy.system.translate(s)

[docs]class VAException(geosoft.GXRuntimeError): """ Exceptions from :mod:``. .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ pass
[docs]class GXva(Sequence): """ VA class wrapper. :param array: 2D numpy array, None for an empty VA :param dtype: numpy data type, default np.float :param width: array width, default is determined from array. :param fid: fid tuple (start,increment), default (0.0, 1.0) :param unit_of_measure: the unit of measurement for the data Maximum number of elements must be less that 2^31 - 1 .. versionchanged:: 9.3 added unit_of_measure .. versionchanged:: 9.2 allow construction directly from numpy array .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.__del__() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_gxva'): self._gxva = None def __len__(self): return self._gxva.len()
[docs] def __init__(self, array=None, width=None, dtype=None, fid=(0.0, 1.0), unit_of_measure=''): if array is not None: if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): array = np.array(array) if dtype is None: dtype = array.dtype if array.ndim != 2: raise VAException(_t('array must have 2 dimensions')) if width is None: width = array.shape[1] if width is None or (width < 2): raise VAException('width must be >= 2') self._gxtype = gxu.gx_dtype(dtype) if self._gxtype < 0: raise VAException(_t("VA of strings is not supported.")) self._dtype = gxu.dtype_gx(self._gxtype) self._width = width self._gxva = gxapi.GXVA.create_ext(self._gxtype, 0, self._width) self.fid = fid self._start, self._incr = self.fid self._next = 0 self._unit_of_measure = unit_of_measure if array is not None and array.size > 0: self.set_data(array, fid)
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._next >= self.length: self._next = 0 self._start, self._incr = self.fid raise StopIteration else: i = self._next self._next += 1 return[i], self._start + self._incr * i def __getitem__(self, item): self._start, self._incr = self.fid return[item], self._start + self._incr * item @property def unit_of_measure(self): """ data unit of measurement""" return self._unit_of_measure @unit_of_measure.setter def unit_of_measure(self, uom): self._unit_of_measure = str(uom) @property def fid(self): """ fid tuple (start,increment), can be set .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ return self._gxva.get_fid_start(), self._gxva.get_fid_incr() @fid.setter def fid(self, fid): self._gxva.set_fid_start(fid[0]) self._gxva.set_fid_incr(fid[1])
[docs] def refid(self, fid, length): """ Resample VA to a new fiducial and length :param fid: (start,incr) :param length: length .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ self._gxva.re_fid(fid[0], fid[1], length) self.fid = fid
@property def length(self): """ number of elements in the VA, can be set. .. versionadded:: 9.1 .. versionchanged:: 9.3 can be set """ return self.__len__() @length.setter def length(self, length): self.refid(self.fid, length) @property def width(self): """ width of each row(element) in the VA .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ return self._width @property def dimensions(self): """ VA dimensions (length, width) .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return (self.length, self._width) @property def gxtype(self): """ GX data type .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ return self._gxtype @property def dtype(self): """ numpy data type .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ return self._dtype @property def np(self): """ Numpy array of VA data, in the data type of the VA. Use :meth:`get_data` to get a numpy array in another `dtype`. Array will be 2-dimensional. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return self.get_data()[0] @property def gxva(self): """ The :class:`geosoft.gxapi.GXVA` instance handle. ..versionadded:: 9.3 """ return self._gxva
[docs] def get_data(self, dtype=None, start=0, n=None, start_col=0, n_col=None): """ Return a numpy array of data from a va. :param start: index of first value, must be >=0 :param n: number of values wanted :param start_col: index of the first column wanted :param n_col: number of columns :param dtype: numpy data type wanted .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ if dtype is None: dtype = self._dtype else: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if self.length == 0: return np.array([[], []], dtype=dtype) # strings not supported if gxu.gx_dtype(dtype) < 0: raise VAException(_t('VA string elements are not supported.')) if n is None: n = self.length - start else: n = min((self.length - start), n) if (n <= 0) or (start < 0): raise VAException(_t('Cannot get (start,n) ({},{}) from va of length {}').format(start, n, self.length)) if n_col is None: n_col = self._width - start_col else: n_col = min((self._width - start_col), n_col) if (n_col <= 0) or (start_col < 0): raise VAException(_t('Cannot get columns (start,n) ({},{}) from VA of width {}'). format(start_col, n_col, self._width)) npd = self._gxva.get_array_np(start, start_col, n, n_col, dtype).reshape(-1, n_col) # float dummies to nan if npd.dtype == np.float32 or npd.dtype == np.float64: npd[npd == gxu.gx_dummy(npd.dtype)] = np.nan fid = self.fid start = fid[0] + start * fid[1] return npd, (start, fid[1])
[docs] def set_data(self, npdata, fid=(0.0, 1.0)): """ Copy numpy data into a VA. :param npdata: numpy data array (must be 2D) :param fid: fid tuple (start,increment), default (0.0,1.0) Maximum number of elements must be less that 2^31 - 1 .. versionadded:: 9.1 """ if npdata.size == 0: self.length = 0 if fid: self.fid = fid return try: npd = npdata.reshape((-1, self._width)) except ValueError: raise VAException(_t('Numpy data does not align with VA data width ({}).').format(self._width)) max_length = gxapi.iMAX // self._width if npdata.shape[0] > max_length: raise VAException(_t('Array length {} too long. Maximum is {} for width {}').format(npdata.shape[0], max_length, self._width)) if npdata.dtype == np.float32 or npdata.dtype == np.float64: if np.isnan(npdata).any(): npdata = npdata.copy() npdata[np.isnan(npdata)] = gxu.gx_dummy(npdata.dtype) self._gxva.set_ln(npd.shape[0]) self._gxva.set_array_np(0, 0, npd) self.fid = fid