Source code for geosoft.gxpy.metadata

Geosoft metadata.


    ================= =========================
    :class:`Metadata` metadata
    ================= =========================

.. seealso:: :mod:`geosoft.gxapi.GXMETA`

.. note::

    Regression tests provide usage examples:
    `metadata tests <>`_

.. versionadded:: 9.3

import os
import geosoft
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi
from . import gx as gx
from . import utility as gxu
import json

__version__ = geosoft.__version__

def _t(s):
    return geosoft.gxpy.system.translate(s)

[docs]class MetadataException(geosoft.GXRuntimeError): """ Exceptions from :mod:`geosoft.gxpy.metadata`. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ pass
META_TYPE_NODE = 0 #: META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 1 #: META_INVALID = -1 #: META_ROOT_NODE = -100 #: def _umn(meta_type, node): name = node.strip('/') if meta_type == META_TYPE_NODE: return 'CLASS:/{}'.format(name) elif meta_type == META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: return 'ATTRIB:/{}'.format(name)
[docs]def get_node_from_meta_dict(meta_node, meta_dict): """ Get the node content from a metadata dictionary. :param meta_node: node wanted, '/' delimited. e.g. 'geosoft/dataset/title' :param meta_dict: metadata dictionary (from `Metadata.meta_dict`) :return: node content, or None if not found .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if not meta_node: return None tree = meta_node.split('/') root = meta_dict for node in tree: if node: if node not in root: return None root = root[node] return root
[docs]def set_node_in_meta_dict(meta_node, meta_dict, content, replace=False): """ Set a node in a metadata dictionary. Tree nodes are added if absent. :param meta_node: node to set, '/' delimited. e.g. 'geosoft/dataset/title' :param meta_dict: meta dictionary (from `Metadata.meta_dict`) :param content: content to set to the node :param replace: True to replace nodes that are attributes. The default is False, in which case an error is raised if a node in the tree is an attribute. .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if meta_node[-1] == '/': meta_node = meta_node[:-1] tree = meta_node.split('/') root = meta_dict for node in tree[:-1]: if node not in root: root[node] = {} elif not isinstance(root[node], dict): if replace: root[node] = {} else: raise MetadataException(_t('Cannot replace attribte {}. All nodes in the tree must be dict.'). format(root)) root = root[node] root[tree[-1]] = content
[docs]class Metadata: """ Simple interface to work with Geosoft metadata objects `geosoft.gxapi.GXMETA`. :param gxmeta: `geosoft.gxapi.GXMETA` instance, or None (default) in which case an empty metadata instance is created. Geosoft metadata objects contain metadata organized as a tree of information, with each node of the tree containing 0 or more attributes and 0 or more nested nodes. One can think of a metadata structure as a dictionary in which items that reference a dictionary are nodes, that in turn can hold other nodes, and each node can also hold attributes. We refer to this as a "nested dictionary". The `meta_dict()` method will return the metadata content as a nested dictionary, and the `update_dict()` method will add a dictionary to the metadata instance. While geosoft metadata can contain custom typed attributes and indeed any Geosoft object, this simple interface currently supports only Python types int, float, string and Python structures like tuple, arrays and dictionaries. Nodes can identified by a string in the form: `/node/[...]/`. For example `'/geosoft/data/'` is equivalent to a dictionary structure `{'geosoft': 'data': {}}`. Attributes are identified by a string in the form: `/node/[...]/attribute`. For example, an attribute `'geosoft/data/keywords'` with keyword content 'mag' and 'Red Lake' can be represented in a Python dictionary as `{'geosoft': 'data': {'keywords': ('mag', 'Red Lake')}`. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): self.__del__() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_gxmeta'): self._gxmeta = None
[docs] def __init__(self, gxmeta=None): if gxmeta: self._gxmeta = gxmeta else: self._gxmeta = gxapi.GXMETA.create()
@property def gxmeta(self): """ The :class:`geosoft.gxapi.GXMETA` instance handle. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ return self._gxmeta
[docs] def meta_type(self, meta_node): """ Return if the content of this node is a node (`META_TYPE_NODE`) or an attribute (`META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE`). Returns `META_INVALID` if neither. :param meta_node: metadata node as a string. e.g. 'geosoft/dataset/title' .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ if self.gxmeta.resolve_umn(_umn(META_TYPE_NODE, meta_node)) != META_INVALID: return META_TYPE_NODE elif self.gxmeta.resolve_umn(_umn(META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, meta_node)) != META_INVALID: return META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE return META_INVALID
[docs] def has_node(self, node_name): """ Returns `True` if this node exists in the metadata. :param node_name: name of a node (eg. `'geosoft/data/'`) .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ return self.meta_type(node_name) == META_TYPE_NODE
[docs] def has_attribute(self, attribute_name): """ Returns `True` if this attribute exists in the metadata. :param attribute_name: name of a attribute (eg. `'geosoft/data/keywords'`) .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ return self.meta_type(attribute_name) == META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
[docs] def node_token(self, node_name): """ Returns the metadata token (integer) of a node. The node is created if it does not exist. :param node_name: name of the node (eg. `'my_metadata/parameters'`) :returns: metadata token number .. versionadded::9.3 """ node_name = node_name.strip('/') tree = node_name.split('/') branch = META_ROOT_NODE for node in tree: branch = self.gxmeta.create_class(node, branch) return self.gxmeta.resolve_umn(_umn(META_TYPE_NODE, node_name))
[docs] def attribute_token(self, attr_name): """ Returns the metadata token (integer) of an attribute. :param attr_name: name of the attribute (eg. `'my_metadata/parameters/frequency'`) :returns: metadata token number or `META_INVALID` if the attribute does not exist. .. versionadded::9.3 """ if self.has_attribute(attr_name): return self.gxmeta.resolve_umn(_umn(META_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_name)) return META_INVALID
[docs] def node_attribute_token(self, attr_name): """ returns the node and attribute number of an attribute. :param attr_name: attribute name :returns: (node token, attribute token) .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ node_attr = tuple(attr_name.strip('/').rsplit('/', 1)) if len(node_attr) == 1: return 0, self.attribute_token(attr_name) node = node_attr[0] if not self.has_attribute(attr_name): raise MetadataException('Attribute "{}" not found'.format(attr_name)) return self.node_token(node), self.attribute_token(attr_name)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, attr_name, value): """ Set an attribute to a value. The attribute is created if it does not exist. :param attr_name: attribute name (eg. `'/my_metadata/parameters/frequency'`) :param value: int, float, string or a Python structure such as tuple, array or dict. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ node_attr = attr_name.strip('/').rsplit('/', 1) if len(node_attr) < 2: node = '' attr = node_attr[0] else: node = node_attr[0] attr = node_attr[1] if self.has_attribute(attr_name): self.gxmeta.delete_attrib(self.attribute_token(attr_name)) node = self.node_token(node) if isinstance(value, str): a = self.gxmeta.create_attrib(attr, node, gxapi.META_CORE_TYPE_String) self.gxmeta.set_attrib_string(node, a, value) elif isinstance(value, float): a = self.gxmeta.create_attrib(attr, node, gxapi.META_CORE_TYPE_R8) self.gxmeta.set_attrib_double(node, a, value) elif isinstance(value, int): a = self.gxmeta.create_attrib(attr, node, gxapi.META_CORE_TYPE_I4) self.gxmeta.set_attrib_int(node, a, value) else: jstr = '__json__{}'.format(json.dumps(value)) a = self.gxmeta.create_attrib(attr, node, gxapi.META_CORE_TYPE_String) self.gxmeta.set_attrib_string(node, a, jstr)
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attr_name): """ Retrieve an attribute setting. :param attr_name: attribute name (eg. '/my_metadata/parameters/frequency') :returns: attribute setting .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ if not self.has_attribute(attr_name): return None node, attr = self.node_attribute_token(attr_name) sr = gxapi.str_ref() self.gxmeta.get_attrib_string(node, attr, sr) try: i = int(sr.value) return i except ValueError: try: f = float(sr.value) return f except ValueError: if sr.value.startswith('__json__'): return json.loads(sr.value[8:]) return sr.value
[docs] def meta_dict(self): """ Metadata content as a nested dictionary. Attributes will be normal Python objects where the attribute type is supported by Python. This includes basic types (like int and float), lists/tuples, and Python dictionaries, which are nodes in the metadata structucture. Geosoft objects in an attribute, will appear only as a descriptive text string. :return: nested dictionary structure of metadata .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ def parse_attr(s): parts = s.split('=', 1) if len(parts) >= 2: val = parts[1][1:-1] if val.startswith('__json__'): val = val[8:].replace('\\"', '"') val = json.loads(val) return parts[0].lstrip(), val else: return parts[0].lstrip(), None def add_meta(ff): def parse_node(s): nest = 0 while s[0] == ' ': nest += 1 s = s[3:] return s[1:], nest def read_node(ffl): _d = {} node_name, nest = parse_node(ffl[0]) ffl = ffl[1:] while ffl: while ffl[0].lstrip()[0] != '\\': _name, _val = parse_attr(ffl[0]) _d[_name] = _val ffl = ffl[1:] if not ffl: return node_name, _d, ffl else: _, next_nest = parse_node(ffl[0]) if next_nest <= nest: return node_name, _d, ffl nn, _dd, ffl = read_node(ffl) _d[nn] = _dd return node_name, _d, ffl dct = {} while ff: if ff[0][0] != '\\': name, val = parse_attr(ff[0]) dct[name] = val ff = ff[1:] else: name, dd, ff = read_node(ff) dct[name] = dd return dct def metafile(): mf = os.path.join(gx.gx().temp_folder(), 'meta_' + gxu.uuid()) wa = gxapi.GXWA.create(mf, gxapi.WA_NEW) self.gxmeta.write_text(wa) wa = None return mf def metafile_to_list(metaf): ff = [] with open(metaf, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line: ff.append(line) os.remove(metaf) return ff metalist = metafile_to_list(metafile()) return add_meta(metalist)
[docs] def update_dict(self, metadict, trunk_node=''): """ Update the metadata from the content of a dictionary. :param metadict: dictionary of metadata to add/update :param trunk_node: trunk to which to add this meta, default is '' which adds from the root. .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ def update(tnode, new): for k, v in new.items(): node = '{}/{}'.format(tnode, k) if isinstance(v, dict): update(node, v) else: self.set_attribute(node, v) update(trunk_node, metadict)