Source code for geosoft.gxpy.geometry_utility

Geometry utilities.

    :SPLINE_LINEAR: `geosoft.gxapi.VVU_SPL_LINEAR`
    :SPLINE_CUBIC: `geosoft.gxapi.VVU_SPL_CUBIC`
    :SPLINE_AKIMA: `geosoft.gxapi.VVU_SPL_AKIMA`
    :SPLINE_NEAREST: `geosoft.gxapi.VVU_SPL_NEAREST`

.. seealso:: `geosoft.gxpy.geometry`

.. note::

    Regression tests provide usage examples:     
    `Tests <>`_
import numpy as np

import geosoft
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi
from . import vv as gxvv
from . import geometry as gxgeo

__version__ = geosoft.__version__


def _t(s):
    return geosoft.gxpy.system.translate(s)

[docs]class GeometryUtilityException(geosoft.GXRuntimeError): """ Exceptions from `geosoft.gxpy.geometry_utility`. .. versionadded:: 9.4 """ pass
[docs]def resample(pp, interval, spline=SPLINE_CUBIC, closed=None): """ Return points resampled at a constant separation along the trace of points. :param pp: `geosoft.gxpy.geometry.PPoint` instance, or a 2D numpy array. :param interval: constant sampling interval :param spline: spline method, one of: ============== ======================================================== SPLINE_LINEAR points will be along linear line segments between points SPLINE_CUBIC use a minimum-curvature smooth spline SPLINE_AKIMA us an Akima spline, which will not over-shoot data SPLINE_NEAREST assign the nearest value ============== ======================================================== :param closed: `True` to close the line. Smooth splines will appear continuous at the join if closed. If not specified and the first and last points are the same, `True` is assumed. :return: `geosoft.gxpy.geometry.PPoint` instance, or a 2D numpy array, matching the type passed. .. versionadded:: 9.4 """ if interval <= 0: raise GeometryUtilityException(_t('Interval must be > 0')) if isinstance(pp, gxgeo.PPoint): xyz = else: if not isinstance(pp, np.ndarray): pp = np.array(pp, dtype=np.float64) if pp.ndim == 1: pp = pp.reshape(len(pp), 1) if pp.shape[1] >= 3: xyz = pp[:, :3] else: xyz = np.zeros((len(pp), 3), dtype=np.float64) xyz[:, :pp.shape[1]] = pp if len(xyz) < 2: return pp.copy() # closed? already_closed = tuple(xyz[0]) == tuple(xyz[-1]) last_point = -1 if len(xyz) == 2: if already_closed: return pp.copy() if closed is None: closed = False if spline in (SPLINE_AKIMA, SPLINE_CUBIC): spline = SPLINE_LINEAR if closed: _xyz = np.zeros(len(xyz) + 1) _xyz[:-1] = xyz _xyz[-1] = xyz[0] xyz = _xyz else: if closed is None: closed = already_closed if closed: # add points to ensure continuously smooth on ends if already_closed: closed_xyz = np.empty((len(xyz) + 4, 3)) closed_xyz[-2:] = xyz[1:3] closed_xyz[0:2] = xyz[-3:-1] else: closed_xyz = np.empty((len(xyz) + 5, 3)) closed_xyz[-3:] = xyz[:3] closed_xyz[0:2] = xyz[-2:] closed_xyz[2: 2 + len(xyz)] = xyz xyz = closed_xyz last_point = -3 # get vvs vvx, vvy, vvz = gxvv.vvset_from_np(xyz) # calculate distance vvd = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=np.float64) gxapi.GXVVU.distance_3d(vvx.gxvv, vvy.gxvv, vvz.gxvv, 0., vvd.gxvv) # make up a sampling vector if closed: start = vvd[2][0] d = vvd[last_point][0] - start else: start = 0. d = vvd[-1][0] nd = int(d / interval) + 1 if closed: nd += 1 nps = np.arange(nd, dtype=np.float64) * interval + start vvs = gxvv.GXvv(nps) # spline locations vvxd = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=np.float64) gxapi.GXVVU.spline2(vvd.gxvv, vvx.gxvv, vvs.gxvv, vvxd.gxvv, spline) vvyd = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=np.float64) gxapi.GXVVU.spline2(vvd.gxvv, vvy.gxvv, vvs.gxvv, vvyd.gxvv, spline) vvzd = gxvv.GXvv(dtype=np.float64) gxapi.GXVVU.spline2(vvd.gxvv, vvz.gxvv, vvs.gxvv, vvzd.gxvv, spline) xyz = gxvv.np_from_vvset((vvxd, vvyd, vvzd)) if closed: xyz[-1] = xyz[0] if tuple(xyz[-1]) == tuple(xyz[-2]): xyz = xyz[:-1] if isinstance(pp, gxgeo.PPoint): return gxgeo.PPoint(xyz, coordinate_system=pp.coordinate_system) else: return xyz[:, :pp.shape[1]]