Source code for geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system

Coodinate systems

    :`Coordinate_system`:    define a coordinate system
    :`Coordinate_translate`: translate coordinates between coordinate systems
    :`Wkt`:                  well-know coordinate system for ESRI interoperability

Coordinate systems describe how cartesian coordinates are located ralative to the Earth.  Cartesian coordinates
are right-handed (x, y, z) spatial ordinates that describe locations within a coordinate system frame of reference.
For coordinates relative to a horizontal plane, positive z is up, usually equivalent to elevation relative to
a vertical datum.

Coordinate systems can be oriented in three dimensions using an `orientation` definition, which defines an (x0, y0, z0)
origin and rotation (rx, ry, rz) around the X, Y and then Z axis relative to a base coordinate system.  

Base coordinate systems are usually defined by "well-known" coordinate system projections on a datum of the earth.

**Coordinate System Name**

A coordinate system will also have a descriptive name that identifies the base system with a datum and "well-known"
map projection description, plus optional orientation and vertical reference datum if defined.  Orientation
parameters are enclosed in `<>` that define `<x0, y0, z0, rx, ry, rz>` (eg. `<400000, 6200000,0,0,-90,0>`).
If a vertical reference datum is defined it will appear as a string in square brackets, for example  `[CGVD28]`.

Example coordinate system names:
    .. code::
        "NAD83 / UTM zone 15N"
        "NAD83 / UTM zone 15N <450000,6250000,0,0,0,-25>" # oriented system, rotated -25 degrees
        "NAD83 / UTM zone 15N [NAVD88]"
        "NAD83 / UTM zone 15N <450000,6250000,0,0,0,-25> [NAVD88]"

The descriptive name for "well-known" coordinate systems is sufficient to describe the coordinate system from
the `EPSG Geodetic Registry <>`_. To fully locate ad-hoc coordinates you will need
the parameters defined in the GXF stings.  See :attr:`Coordinate_system.gxf`.

    :NAME: None
    :NAME_VCS: -1
    :NAME_HCS_VCS: -2
    :PARM_DATUM: 'datum'
    :PARM_PROJECTION: 'transform'
    :PARM_UNITS: 'units'
    :PARM_LOCAL_DATUM: 'datumtrf'

.. seealso:: `geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ`

.. note::

    Regression tests provide usage examples:
    `tests <>`_

import json
import numpy as np
import geosoft
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi
from . import utility as gxu
from . import dataframe as gxdf
from . import vv as gxvv

__version__ = geosoft.__version__

def _t(s):
    return geosoft.gxpy.system.translate(s)

# Constants

# 'HCS' and 'hcs' refer to Horizontal Coordinate System
# 'VCS' and 'vcs' refer to Vertical Coordinate System

NAME = None


PARM_DATUM = 'datum'
PARM_PROJECTION = 'transform'
PARM_UNITS = 'units'
PARM_LOCAL_DATUM = 'datumtrf'

[docs]class CSException(geosoft.GXRuntimeError): """ Exceptions from :mod:`geosoft.gxpy.coordinate_system`. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ pass
[docs]def parameters(what, key): """ Get a dictionary of parameters for a coordinate system item. Parameters are maintained in csv coordinate system table files in the Geosoft Desktop Applications `csv` folder. :param what: | PARM_DATUM (from `datum.csv`) | PARM_PROJECTION (from `transform.csv`) | PARM_UNITS (from `units.csv`) | PARM_LOCAL_DATUM (from `datumtrf.csv`) :param key: parameter key to find and return :raises CSException: if table or key not found. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ try: dct = gxdf.table_record(what, key) except gxdf.DfException as e: raise CSException(str(e)) return dct
[docs]def parameter_exists(what, key): """ Test if a parameter set exists in a coordinate system table. :param what: see :func:`parameters` :param key: parameter key :returns: True if table/key exists .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ try: parameters(what, key) except CSException: return False else: return True
_unknown_name = '*unknown' def _unknown(name): return _unknown_name in name
[docs]def name_list(what, datum_filter=''): """ Get a list of coordinate system names :param what: | LIST_COORDINATESYSTEM | LIST_DATUM | LIST_PROJECTION | LIST_UNITS | LIST_LOCALDATUMDESCRIPTION | LIST_LOCALDATUMNAME | LIST_UNITSDESCRIPTION :param datum_filter: name of a datum to filter results :returns: sorted list of names .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ lst = gxapi.GXLST.create(1000) gxapi.GXIPJ.get_list(what, datum_filter, lst) namelist = list(gxu.dict_from_lst(lst)) namelist.sort(key=str.lower) return namelist
def _extract(s, frame): c1, c2, *_ = frame s = s.strip(' \t"\'') end = s.rfind(c2) if end > 1: start = s.rfind(c1) sub = s[start + 1: end] s = s[:start] + s[end+1:] else: sub = '' return s.strip(' \t"\''), sub.strip(' \t"\'')
[docs]def hcs_orient_vcs_from_name(name): """ Split a full coordinate system name into its components. A name has the form "hcs <orient> [vcs]" :param name: :returns: hcs, orient, vcs .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ name, vcs = _extract(name, '[]') hcs, orient = _extract(name, '<>') return hcs, orient, vcs
[docs]def name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(hcs, orient=None, vcs=None): """ Construct a coordinate system name from an hcs, orientation and vcs. If orient or vcs are None or empty, the name will not include these parts. :param hcs: horizontal coordinate system string :param orient: orientation string :param vcs: vertical coordinate system string :returns: "hcs <orient> [vcs]" .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ if orient: orient = ' <' + orient + '>' else: orient = '' if vcs: vcs = ' [' + vcs + ']' else: vcs = '' return hcs + orient + vcs
[docs]def list_from_wktsrs(wkt): """ Return a list from a wkt spatial reference string. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ def first_item(wkts): n = 0 i = 0 for c in wkts: if n == 0 and c == ',': return wkts[:i].strip(' '), wkts[i + 1:].strip(' ') i += 1 if c == '[': n += 1 elif c == ']': n -= 1 return wkts.strip(' '), '' def parse_item(wkts): if wkts[0] == '"': return wkts[1:-1] if '[' in wkts: bkt = wkts.find('[') items = list_from_wktsrs(wkts[bkt + 1:-1]) dct = {'key': wkts[:bkt], 'name': items[0]} if len(items) > 1: dct['items'] = items[1:] return dct return wkts wkt = wkt.strip() wktlst = [] while wkt: first, wkt = first_item(wkt) wktlst.append(parse_item(first)) return wktlst
[docs]def find_key(wkt, k): """ Find a key in the wkt, return it's name and items. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ for w in wkt: if type(w) is dict: if w['key'] == k: return w['name'], w.get('items', []) # try the kids name, items = find_key(w.get('items', []), k) if name: return name, items return '', []
[docs]def wkt_vcs(vcs): """ Compose a wkt VERTCS block from a Geosoft vcs string. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return 'VERTCS["' + vcs + '"]'
[docs]class Wkt: """ Helper class to parse WKT-formatted spatial reference strings. :param wkt: wkt (well-known text) string that describes a coordinate system. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __str__(self): return def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): pass
[docs] def __init__(self, wkt): self._wkt = list_from_wktsrs(wkt) self.pcs, _ = find_key(self._wkt, 'PROJCS') self.gcs, _ = find_key(self._wkt, 'GEOGCS') self.vcs, _ = find_key(self._wkt, 'VERTCS')
@property def name(self): """ Return the ESRI coordinate system WKT string .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ if self.pcs: name = self.pcs else: name = self.gcs if self.vcs: name += ' [{}]'.format(self.vcs) return name.strip()
[docs] def find_key(self, k): """ Return the name and list of items for a key :param k: the key to look for in the wkt :returns: name ('' if not found), list of parameters, ([] if no items) .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return find_key(self._wkt, k)
[docs]class Coordinate_system: """ Coordinate system class. A coordinate system defines a horizontal and vertical reference system to locate (x, y, z) cartesian coordinates relative to the Earth. :param coordinate_system: a coordinate system can be created from a number of different forms: - Geosoft name string (ie. "WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N [geodetic]") - Geosoft xml with root 'projection', xmlns="" - ESRI WKT string (ie. "PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_35N",GEOGCS[...") - a dictionary that contains the coordinate system properties either as a set of xml properties from a Geosoft xml 'property' definition, or as defined by **Dictionary Structure** below. - a JSON string that contains the coordinate system properties - a list that contains the 5 `GXF coordinate system strings <>`_. For example: ``['"WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N [geodetic]", "WGS 84", "UTM zone 32N", "", ""]`` - `geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ` instance - `Coordinate_system` instance, returns a copy - None to create an unknown coordinate system. For examples refer to `tests <>`_ :Dictionary Structure: :Geosoft: .. code:: { "type": "Geosoft", "name": name "datum": datum "method": method "units": units "local_datum": local datum transform "orientation": x0, y0, z0, xR, yR, zR "vcs": "vertical coordinate system" } :local: type "local" can be used to locate local coordinates in situations where one only has the (longitude, latitude) of a point on local coordinate system and the orientation of the local axis relative to geographic North. Internally an Oblique Stereographic projection is created with an origin at the defined origin point. .. code:: { "type": "local", "lon_lat": (lon, lat) required longitude, latitude of "origin", in degrees "origin": (x0, y0) location of "lon_lat" on the local coordinate system, default is (0,0) "azimuth": azimuth of rotation of local axiz relative to North. "elevation": elevation of the origin in the vertical coordinate system, default is 0. "datum": datum, default is "WGS 84" "local_datum": local datum transform, default is the default for the datum "scale_factor": local scale factor, default is 0.9996 to be similar to UTM locally "vcs": "vertical coordinate system" default is undefined. } :Example: cs = geosoft.gxpy.Coordinate_system({'type': 'local', 'lon_lat': (-96, 43), 'azimuth': 25}) :EPSG: ( .. code:: { "type": "EPSG" "code": EPSG_code_number "orientation": x0, y0, z0, xR, yR, zR } :ESRI: ( .. code:: { "type": "ESRI", "wkt": wkt format string, starts with "PROJCS[" or "GEOGCS[" "orientation": x0, y0, z0, xR, yR, zR "vcs": "vertical coordinate system" } .. versionadded:: 9.2 supercedes `ipj` module. """ def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __str__(self): return def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): self.__del__() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_gxapi_ipj'): self._gxapi_ipj = None
[docs] def __init__(self, coordinate_system=None): self._dict = None self._gxapi_ipj = gxapi.GXIPJ.create() if coordinate_system is None: coordinate_system = _unknown_name if isinstance(coordinate_system, str): self._from_str(coordinate_system) elif isinstance(coordinate_system, gxapi.GXIPJ): coordinate_system.copy(self.gxipj) elif isinstance(coordinate_system, Coordinate_system): coordinate_system.gxipj.copy(self.gxipj) elif isinstance(coordinate_system, dict): self._from_dict(coordinate_system) else: self._from_gxf(coordinate_system)
def __eq__(self, other): return self.same_as(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] @classmethod def local(cls, lon_lat=(0, 0), origin=(0, 0), azimuth=0, elevation=0, datum="WGS 84", local_datum=None, scale_factor=0.9996, vcs=None): """ Create an ad-hoc local coordinate system. :param lon_lat: (longitude, latitude) of the center :param origin: (x, y) to assign to the center :param azimuth: local rotation of the system relative to geographic North, in degrees azimuth :param elevation: elevation for z = 0. :param datum: datum, default is "WGS 84" :param local_datum: local datum, default will be the default for the specified datum :param scale_factor: central scale factor. The default is 0.9996 as the most common map system is UTM and thus relative distances in the local system will be similar, though not the same, as UTM. :param vcs: name for the vertical coordinate system reference, default is unknown Local coordinate systems are simple cartesian systems established for a specific purpose without complete geodetic control, but for which one knows or can estimate the longitude, latitude of a point on the local coordinate system. In this way local coordinates can be located reasonably well relative to the Earth and and other Earth-refeerenced data. The local system will be constructed as an oblique stereographic projection centered at the system origin, which is similar to what one sees when looking at maps in Google maps. .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ csdict = {'type': 'local', 'lon_lat':lon_lat, 'origin': origin, 'azimuth': azimuth, 'elevation': elevation, 'datum': datum, 'scale_factor': scale_factor} if local_datum: csdict['local_datum'] = local_datum if vcs: csdict['vcs'] = vcs return cls(csdict)
@property def gxipj(self): """ `geosoft.gxapi.GXIPJ` instance""" return self._gxapi_ipj @property def name(self): """ coordinate system name as 'datum / projection <orientation> [vcs]' """ return self.gxf[0] @property def units_name(self): """ name of the distance units (abbreviation)""" return self.cs_name(NAME_UNIT) @property def unit_of_measure(self): """ same as units_name, provided for naming consistency with other usage in gxpy.""" return self.units_name @property def metres_per_unit(self): """ the number metres per distance unit of the coordinate system.""" fr = gxapi.float_ref() sr = gxapi.str_ref() self.gxipj.get_units(fr, sr) return fr.value @property def hcs(self): """ horizontal coordinate system name""" return self.cs_name(NAME_HCS) @property def vcs(self): """ Vertical coordinate system name. Can be set.""" return self.cs_name(NAME_VCS) @vcs.setter def vcs(self, vcs): self.gxipj.set_vcs(vcs) @property def is_oriented(self): """True if the coordinate system has an orientation.""" return self.gxipj.get_orientation() not in (gxapi.IPJ_ORIENT_DEFAULT, gxapi.IPJ_ORIENT_PLAN) @property def orientation_name(self): """The name of an oriented section for display/reference purposes. .. versionadded:: 9.4 """ sr = gxapi.str_ref() self.gxipj.get_orientation_name(sr) return sr.value @property def is_known(self): """ True if this is a known coordinate system. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ not_known = _unknown_name return[:len(not_known)].lower() != not_known
[docs] def coordinate_dict(self): """ Returns "Geosoft" dictionary of coordinate system attributes. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ if self._dict is None: # initially from GXF values gxf1, gxf2, gxf3, gxf4, gxf5 = self.gxf hcs, orient, vcs = hcs_orient_vcs_from_name(gxf1) self._dict = {"type": "Geosoft", "name":, "datum": gxf2, "projection": gxf3, "units": gxf4, "local_datum": gxf5, "orientation": orient, "vcs": vcs } return self._dict
[docs] def same_hcs(self, other): """ Return True if the HCS are the same. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ def same_units(a, b): a = a.coordinate_dict()['units'] b = b.coordinate_dict()['units'] if not (a and b): return True else: return a == b def same_orientation(a, b): return a._dict['orientation'] == b._dict['orientation'] if not same_units(self, other) or not same_orientation(self, other): return False if not(self.is_known) or not(is_known(other)): return True else: return bool(self.gxipj.coordinate_systems_are_the_same(other.gxipj))
[docs] def same_vcs(self, other): """ Return True if the VCS are the same. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ svcs = self.vcs ovcs = other.vcs if (svcs == '') or (ovcs == ''): return True else: return svcs == ovcs
[docs] def same_as(self, other): """ Return True if both coordinate systems (HCS and VCS) are the same. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ if other is None: return True if not isinstance(other, Coordinate_system): other = Coordinate_system(other) return self.same_hcs(other) and self.same_vcs(other)
def _from_str(self, cstr): """ Setup coordinate systems from a string. .. versionadded:: 9.2 .. versionchanged:: 9.4 supports xml (first character is '<') """ # json string if cstr[0] == '{': try: jsondict = json.loads(cstr) except ValueError: # try replacing single quotes jstr = cstr.replace('"', '\\"').replace("'", '"') try: jsondict = json.loads(jstr) except ValueError: raise ValueError(_t('"Invalid JSON coordinate system string: "{}"').format(cstr)) self._from_dict(jsondict) # xml elif cstr[0] == '<': self.xml = cstr # ESRI WKT elif 'GEOGCS[' in cstr: self.gxipj.set_esri(cstr) vcs, _ = Wkt(cstr).find_key('VERTCS') if vcs: self.vcs = vcs else: self._from_gxf([cstr, '', '', '', '']) def _from_gxf(self, gxfs): def raise_gxf_error(): raise CSException(_t('Unknown coordinate system:' + '\n name> {}' + '\n datum> {}' + '\n projection> {}' + '\n units> {}' + '\nlocal datum> {}') .format(gxfs[0], gxfs[1], gxfs[2], gxfs[3], gxfs[4])) gxf1, gxf2, gxf3, gxf4, gxf5 = gxfs hcs, orient, vcs = hcs_orient_vcs_from_name(gxf1) # if we get a name only, and it has a datum and projection, copy these. # The challenge with a name only is that the "datum / projection" must exist as # a known coordinate system, otherwise we cannot resolve it. Users some times # combine projections with different datums so copying the values allows for this if (gxf2 == '') and (gxf3 == ''): if '/' in hcs: datum, projection, *_ = hcs.strip('"').split('/') gxf2 = datum.strip() gxf3 = projection.strip() else: gxf2 = hcs # units only if (not _unknown(gxf1)) and not (gxf3 or gxf4 or gxf5) and parameter_exists(PARM_UNITS, gxf1): self.gxipj.set_gxf('', '', '', gxf1, '') else: try: self.gxipj.set_gxf(gxf1, gxf2, gxf3, gxf4, gxf5) except (geosoft.gxapi.GXAPIError, geosoft.gxapi.GXError): raise_gxf_error() def _from_dict(self, csdict): """ Create an IPJ from a dictionary. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ cstype = csdict.get('type', '').lower() if not cstype: # first try Geosoft xml dictionary, if not try 'geosoft' type try: if 'projection' in csdict: dictxml = gxu.geosoft_xml_from_dict(csdict) else: dictxml = gxu.geosoft_xml_from_dict({'projection': csdict}) self.xml = dictxml return except geosoft.gxapi.GXError: cstype = 'geosoft' if cstype == 'geosoft': s1, orient, vcs = hcs_orient_vcs_from_name(csdict.get('name', '')) orient = csdict.get('orientation', orient) vcs = csdict.get('vcs', vcs) s1 = name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(s1, orient, vcs) s2 = csdict.get('datum', '') s3 = csdict.get('projection', '') s4 = csdict.get('units', '') s5 = csdict.get('local_datum', '') self._from_gxf([s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]) elif cstype == 'esri': wkt = csdict.get('wkt', None) if wkt is None: raise ValueError("'ESRI missing 'wkt' property.") # TODO: The following is a quick fix. Seems WKT strings returned from arcpy code in ArcGIS Pro can now # contain trailing parameters like: # ;-5121200 -9998400 450432031.862147;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;0.001;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision # removed here to allow core code to parse. Investigate and move any resulting handling logic to core wkt = ']'.join(wkt.split(']')[:-1]) + ']' # TODO arcpy code could produce WKT strings with single quotes. Core code should be changed to be tolerant of this instead wkt = wkt.replace("'", '"') # add vertical datum reference from dict if not in the wkt vcs = csdict.get('vcs', '') if vcs and ('VERTCS[' not in wkt): wkt += wkt_vcs(vcs) # clear any existing coordinate system - bug GX does not clear prior orientation self.gxipj.set_gxf('WGS 84 <0,0,0,0,0,0>', '', '', '', '') self.gxipj.set_esri(wkt) # add orientation and vcs orient = csdict.get('orientation', '') if orient or vcs: gxfs = self.gxf gxfs[0] = name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(gxfs[0], orient, vcs) self._from_gxf(gxfs) elif cstype == "epsg": code = csdict.get('code', None) if code is None: raise ValueError("'EPSG missing 'code' property.") orient = csdict.get('orientation', '') self._from_gxf([str(code) + orient, '', '', '', '']) elif cstype == 'local': # must at least have a latitude and longitude lon, lat = csdict.get('lon_lat', (None, None)) if (lat is None) or (lon is None): raise CSException(_t("Local must define 'lon_lat' of the local origin.")) x0, y0 = csdict.get('origin', (0, 0)) azimuth = csdict.get('azimuth', 0.0) sf = csdict.get('scale_factor', 0.9996) units = csdict.get('units', 'm') datum = csdict.get('datum', 'WGS 84') ldatum = csdict.get('ldatum', '') elevation = csdict.get('elevation', 0.0) proj = '"Oblique Stereographic",{},{},{},0,0'.format(lat, lon, sf) vcs = csdict.get('vcs', '') if (azimuth == 0.0) and (elevation == 0.0): orient = '' else: orient = '0,0,{},0,0,{}'.format(elevation, azimuth) name = '{} / *Local({},{},{},{})'.format(datum, lat, lon, x0, y0) name_azimuth = name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(name, orient, vcs) self._from_gxf([name_azimuth, datum, proj, units, ldatum]) if (x0 != 0) or (y0 != 0): xx0, yy0, _ = self.xyz_from_oriented(np.array((-x0, -y0, 0))) proj = '"Oblique Stereographic",{},{},{},{},{}'.format(lat, lon, sf, -xx0, -yy0) self._from_gxf([name, datum, proj, units, ldatum]) else: raise ValueError("Projection type '{}' not supported.".format(cstype)) @property def gxf(self): """ The GXF string list from ipj. ( The first string (gxf[0]) is the coordinate system name in the form: `datum / projection <x0,y0,z0,rx,ry,rz> [vcs]` The orientation parameters are between the '<>', and will be omitted if all 0. 'vcs' is the vertical coordinate system, and is omitted if the vcs is undefined. .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ s1 = gxapi.str_ref() s2 = gxapi.str_ref() s3 = gxapi.str_ref() s4 = gxapi.str_ref() s5 = gxapi.str_ref() self.gxipj.get_gxf(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5) lst = [s1.value.replace('"', '').strip(), s2.value, s3.value, s4.value, s5.value] return lst @gxf.setter def gxf(self, gxfs): self._from_gxf(gxfs) @property def xml(self): """ xml of the coordinate system using Geosoft schema. Can be set. .. versionadded:: 9.4 """ xml = gxapi.str_ref() self.gxipj.get_xml(xml) return xml.value @xml.setter def xml(self, xml): self.gxipj.set_xml(xml) @property def esri_wkt(self): """ ESRI Well-Known-Text (wkt) format coordinate string .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ sr = gxapi.str_ref() self._gxapi_ipj.get_esri(sr) return sr.value @esri_wkt.setter def esri_wkt(self, gxfs): self._from_str(gxfs) @property def json(self): """ JSON formatted coordinate system string. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ return json.dumps(self.coordinate_dict()) @json.setter def json(self, json_str): self._from_str(json_str)
[docs] def cs_name(self, what=NAME): """ Return requested name. :param what: | NAME | NAME_HCS | NAME_VCS | NAME_HCS_VCS | NAME_PROJECTION | NAME_METHOD | NAME_DATUM | NAME_ELLIPSOID | NAME_LDATUM | NAME_UNIT | NAME_UNIT_FULL | NAME_TYPE | NAME_LLDATUM | NAME_METHOD_PARMS | NAME_METHOD_LABEL | NAME_DATUM_PARMS | NAME_LDATUM_PARMS | NAME_GEOID | NAME_LDATUMDESCRIPTION | NAME_METHOD_PARMS_NATIVE | NAME_ORIENTATION If 'what' is not specified, gxipj.NAME assumed, which returns the coordinate system display name. :returns: The name requested .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ s = gxapi.str_ref() if what == NAME: return self.gxf[0] else: csname, *_ = self.gxf hcs, orient, vcs = hcs_orient_vcs_from_name(csname) if what == NAME_HCS_VCS: return name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(hcs, orient, vcs) if what == NAME_HCS: return name_from_hcs_orient_vcs(hcs, orient, None) if what == NAME_VCS: return vcs if what == NAME_DATUM: return hcs.split('/')[0].strip() if what == NAME_PROJECTION: if '/' in hcs: return hcs.split('/')[1].strip() else: return '' self.gxipj.get_name(what, s) return s.value
def _oriented_xyz(self, direction, xyz, column_ordered=False): """ Return oriented (x, y, z) coordinates from true base (x, y, z) coordinates. :param xyz: (x, y, z) or iterable :param column_ordered: if xyz is iterable, and this is True, the data is assumed to be column ordered and the results are returned column ordered. :returns: (x, y, z) in un-oriented space .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ if not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): xyz = np.array(xyz) if xyz.ndim == 1: x = (xyz[0],) y = (xyz[1],) z = (xyz[2],) else: if column_ordered: x, y, z = xyz[0, :], xyz[1, :], xyz[2, :] else: x, y, z = xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2] x = gxvv.GXvv(x, dtype=float) y = gxvv.GXvv(y, dtype=float) z = gxvv.GXvv(z, dtype=float) self.gxipj.convert_orientation_warp_vv(x.gxvv, y.gxvv, z.gxvv, direction) if xyz.ndim == 1: return x[0][0], y[0][0], z[0][0] else: xyz_column = np.array([,,]) if column_ordered: return xyz_column else: return xyz_column.swapaxes(0, 1)
[docs] def oriented_from_xyz(self, xyz, column_ordered=False): """ Return oriented (x, y, z) coordinates from true base (x, y, z) coordinates. :param xyz: (x, y, z) or iterable :param column_ordered: if xyz is iterable, and this is True, the data is assumed to be column ordered and the results are returned column ordered. :returns: (x, y, z) in un-oriented space .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return self._oriented_xyz(0, xyz, column_ordered=column_ordered)
[docs] def xyz_from_oriented(self, xyz, column_ordered=False): """ Return true base (x, y, z) coordinates from oriented (x, y, z) coordinates. :param xyz: (x, y, z) or iterable :param column_ordered: if xyz is iterable, and this is True, the data is assumed to be column ordered and the results are returned column ordered. :returns: (x, y, z) in oriented space .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ return self._oriented_xyz(1, xyz, column_ordered=column_ordered)
[docs]def is_known(coordinate_system): """ Return True if this is a known coordinate system .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ if coordinate_system is None: return False if isinstance(coordinate_system, Coordinate_system): return coordinate_system.is_known try: return Coordinate_system(coordinate_system).is_known except CSException: return False
[docs]class Coordinate_translate: """ Class to reproject coordinates between different coordinate systems. :params cs_from: from `Coordinate_system` :params cs_to: to `Coordinate_system` .. versionadded:: 9.2 """ def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __str__(self): return "PJ from \'{}\' to \'{}\'".format(str(self._cs_from), str(self._cs_to)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, xtype, value, traceback): pass _cs_from = None _cs_to = None _sr = gxapi.str_ref()
[docs] def __init__(self, cs_from, cs_to): if not isinstance(cs_from, Coordinate_system): cs_from = Coordinate_system(cs_from) self._cs_from = cs_from if not isinstance(cs_to, Coordinate_system): cs_to = Coordinate_system(cs_to) self._cs_to = cs_to self._pj = gxapi.GXPJ.create_ipj(cs_from.gxipj, cs_to.gxipj)
[docs] def convert_vv(self, xvv, yvv, zvv=None): """ Project vv locations in-place. :param xvv: x locations as `geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv` instance :param yvv: y locations as `geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv` instance :param zvv: optional z locations as `geosoft.gxpy.vv.GXvv` instance .. versionadded:: 9.3.1 """ xvvin = yvvin = zvvin = None if not xvv.is_float64: xvvin = xvv xvv = gxvv.GXvv(xvv, dtype=np.float64) if not yvv.is_float64: yvvin = yvv yvv = gxvv.GXvv(yvv, dtype=np.float64) if zvv and not zvv.is_float64: zvvin = zvv zvv = gxvv.GXvv(zvv, dtype=np.float64) if zvv: self._pj.convert_vv3(xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv, zvv.gxvv) else: self._pj.convert_vv(xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv) if xvvin: xvvin.set_data(xvv) if yvvin: yvvin.set_data(yvv) if zvvin: zvvin.set_data(zvv)
[docs] def convert(self, xyz, in_place=False): """ Project data in array in which first columns are x,y or x,y,z. Coordinates are reprojected in-place. :param xyz: numply shape (n,2) or (n,3+), or list, or a single (x, y, z) tuple. Array dimension (n,2) for (x, y), (n,3+) for x,y,z. Only numpy arrays may have dimensions above 3. :param in_place: if True, numpy array data is converted in-place. Ignored for list or tuple :example: Given an array shape (500,6), which represents 500 data records with 6 columns in which the first 3 columns are coordinates X, Y and Z. .. code:: data = np.zeros((10,5), dtype='float') #then fill the array with some data xy_only = pj.convert(data[:,2]) #transform x,y xyz_only = pj.convert(data[:,3]) #transform x,y and z all = pj.convert(data) #transform x,y and z with data returned :returns: projected data in the same form as passed (numpy array, list, or (x,y,z)) .. versionadded:: 9.2 .. versionchanged:: 9.3.1 conversion methods will return results in the same type as the input data. """ xyz_in = xyz if not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): xyz = np.array(xyz) npoints = xyz.shape[0] if npoints == 0: if in_place: return xyz if isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): return np.array([[]]) return [[]] if xyz.ndim < 2: xyz = xyz.reshape((-1, xyz.shape[0])) flatten_return = True else: flatten_return = False nd = xyz.shape[1] if nd < 2: raise CSException(_t('Data must have dimension 2 (x,y) or 3 for (x,y,z) or higher.')) vvx = gxvv.GXvv(xyz[:, 0]) vvy = gxvv.GXvv(xyz[:, 1]) if nd >= 3: vvz = gxvv.GXvv(xyz[:, 2]) else: vvz = None self.convert_vv(vvx, vvy, vvz) if in_place: xyz[:, 0] = xyz[:, 1] = if nd > 2: xyz[:, 2] = return xyz if nd >= 3: xyz = np.array([,,]).T else: xyz = np.array([,]).T if flatten_return: xyz = xyz.flatten() if isinstance(xyz_in, np.ndarray): return xyz elif hasattr(xyz_in, '__iter__'): return list(xyz) if nd >= 3: return xyz[0, 0], xyz[0, 1], xyz[0, 2] else: return xyz[0, 0], xyz[0, 1]